@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/29672,作者=“Ziadni, Maisa S和Gonzalez-Castro, Lluvia和Anderson, Steven和Krishnamurthy, Parthasarathy和Darnall, Beth D”,标题=“单次会议的疗效”“授权缓解”对慢性疼痛的快速分组干预:在COVID-19大流行期间进行的随机控制试验”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2021”,月=“Sep”,日=“10”,卷=“23”,数=“9”,页=“e29672”,关键词=“单次会议;授权的救济;Zoom-delivered;剧烈疼痛;疼痛强度;随机对照试验;背景:认知行为疗法——疼痛是一种基于证据的治疗慢性疼痛的方法,慢性疼痛会给患者带来巨大的负担,包括医疗费用、旅行、多次治疗和偏远地区的缺乏。目的:该研究旨在试点测试单次视频会议提供的授权缓解(ER)干预与慢性疼痛患者等待列表控制(WLC)条件的疗效。我们假设,在治疗后1-3个月,ER在减轻疼痛的严重程度、疼痛强度和其他疼痛相关结果方面优于WLC。方法:我们进行了一项随机对照试验,涉及基于网络的18-80岁自我报告慢性疼痛的成年人(N=104)样本。 Participants were randomized (1:1) to 1 of 2 unblinded study groups: ER (50/104, 48.1{\%}) and WLC (54/104, 51.9{\%}). Participants allocated to ER completed a Zoom-delivered class, and all participants completed follow-up surveys at 2 weeks and 1, 2, and 3 months posttreatment. All the study procedures were performed remotely and electronically. The primary outcome was pain catastrophizing 1-month posttreatment, with pain intensity, pain bothersomeness, and sleep disruption as secondary outcomes. We also report a more rigorous test of the durability of treatment effects at 3 months posttreatment. Data were collected from September 2020 to February 2021 and analyzed using intention-to-treat analysis. The analytic data set included participants (18/101, 17.8{\%} clinic patients; 83/101, 82.1{\%} community) who completed at least one study survey: ER (50/101, 49.5{\%}) and WLC (51/104, 49{\%}). Results: Participants (N=101) were 69.3{\%} (70/101) female, with a mean age of 49.76 years (SD 13.90; range 24-78); 32.7{\%} (33/101) had an undergraduate degree and self-reported chronic pain for 3 months. Participants reported high engagement (47/50, 94{\%}), high satisfaction with ER (mean 8.26, SD 1.57; range 0-10), and high satisfaction with the Zoom platform (46/50, 92{\%}). For the between-groups factor, ER was superior to WLC for all primary and secondary outcomes at 3 months posttreatment (highest P<.001), and between-groups Cohen d effect sizes ranged from 0.45 to 0.79, indicating that the superiority was of moderate to substantial clinical importance. At 3 months, clinically meaningful pain catastrophizing scale (PCS) reductions were found for ER but not for WLC (ER: PCS −8.72, 42.25{\%} reduction; WLC: PCS −2.25, 11.13{\%} reduction). ER resulted in significant improvements in pain intensity, sleep disturbance, and clinical improvements in pain bothersomeness. Conclusions: Zoom-delivered ER had high participant satisfaction and very high engagement. Among adults with chronic pain, this single-session, Zoom-delivered, skills-based pain class resulted in clinically significant improvement across a range of pain-related outcomes that was sustained at 3 months. Web-based delivery of ER could allow greater accessibility of home-based pain treatment and could address the inconveniences and barriers faced by patients when attempting to receive in-person care. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04546685; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04546685 ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/29672", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2021/9/e29672", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/29672", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34505832" }