@文章{info:doi/10.2196/25946,作者=“王正非、王莱、晓、傅安、陈青松、吕青松、黎明、洪家明”,标题=“基于轻量级区块链的中药溯源系统”,期刊=“J医学互联网研究”,年=“2021”,月=“军”,日=“21”,卷=“23”,号=“6”,页=“e25946”,关键词=“区块链;中药;中医;可追溯性系统;假药;ipf;欺诈;背景:近年来,中药安全问题引起了世界范围内的广泛关注。为了防止假药的传播,有必要建立药品追溯体系。传统的药品追溯系统可以记录药品从种植、生产、加工、入库到医院和患者使用的整个流通过程。 Once counterfeit drugs are found, they can be traced back to the source. However, traditional drug traceability systems have some drawbacks, such as failure to prevent tampering and facilitation of sensitive disclosure. Blockchain (including Bitcoin and Ethernet Square) is an effective technology to address the problems of traditional drug traceability systems. However, some risks impact the reliability of blockchain, such as information explosion, sensitive information leakage, and poor scalability. Objective: To avoid the risks associated with the application of blockchain, we propose a lightweight block chain framework. Methods: In this framework, both horizontal and vertical segmentations are performed when designing the blocks, and effective strategies are provided for both segmentations. For horizontal segmentation operations, the header and body of the blockchain are separated and stored in the blockchain, and the body is stored in the InterPlanetary File System. For vertical segmentation operations, the blockchain is cut off according to time or size. For the addition of new blocks, miners only need to copy the latest part of the blockchain and append the tail and vertical segmentation of the block through the consensus mechanism. Results: Our framework could greatly reduce the size of the blockchain and improve the verification efficiency. Conclusions: Experimental results have shown that the efficiency improves compared with ethernet when a new block is added to the blockchain and a search is conducted. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/25946", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2021/6/e25946", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/25946", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34152279" }