@文章{info:doi/10.2196/25131,作者="Thonon, Fr{\'e}d{\'e} que and Perrot, Swati and Yergolkar, Abhijna Vithal and Rousset-Torrente, Olivia and Griffith, James W and Chassany, Olivier and Duracinsky, Martin",标题="为移民人群弥合卫生保健语言鸿沟的电子工具:系统综述",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2021",月="5",日="6",卷="23",数="5",页="e25131",关键词="eHealth;系统评价;移民;健康知识;获得护理的机会;背景:移徙者或有语言障碍的人在获得医疗保健方面可能面临重大障碍。已经专门开发了一些应用程序,以促进卫生保健专业人员与语言熟练程度较低的移徙者之间的对话,或促进移徙者的健康。目的:我们对这些类型的应用程序的开发、可接受性和有效性进行了系统的审查。方法:我们对PubMed、Scopus和Embase数据库进行了检索。我们包括了所有的研究设计(定性、定量、混合),报告发展、疗效评估或应用程序的可接受性,以促进与卫生专业人员的对话,或促进移民、少数民族或有语言障碍的游客的健康,使用任何结果。 Two researchers selected the studies independently. We collected general information about the app, information about health literacy and cultural adaptation, information about the development of the app, evidence on acceptability or efficacy, and information on app use. Data were collected by 2 researchers independently and results were reviewed to verify agreement and reported according to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis). Results: Positive results for translation apps included better communication, but with possible limitations, and reduced consultation time. Positive results for health promotion apps included improved quality of life and better management of chronic illnesses. Conclusions: Overall, the apps had good levels of acceptability, though only half had their efficacy evaluated. In those evaluations, the endpoints were mostly related to reported behavior change and knowledge improvement, which is common for evaluations of health promotion programs. In the future, as more health apps are created, it is essential that apps that claim to have a public health objective undergo a rigorous evaluation of their acceptability, efficacy, and actual use. Indicators of outcomes beyond changes in behavior and knowledge should be reported; change in health status or access to care should also be reported. This systematic review has helped us note the characteristics associated with improved acceptability and efficacy, which can be helpful for the development of future apps. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/25131", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2021/5/e25131", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/25131", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33955837" }