@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/27339,作者=“宁佩珊和程,佩霞和李,杰和郑,明和施韦尔,大卫C和杨,杨和卢,彭和孟迪,李和张,卓和胡,国清”,标题=“COVID-19——中国相关谣言内容、传播和澄清策略:描述性研究”,期刊=“J医学互联网研究”,年=“2021”,月=“12”,日=“23”,卷=“23”,数=“12”,页=“e27339”,关键词=“COVID-19;谣言;策略;中国;背景:鉴于社交媒体在整个社会的渗透,谣言的传播速度比以往任何时候都要快,这大大增加了政府应对COVID-19大流行等突发公共卫生事件的复杂性。目的:我们旨在研究中国COVID-19大流行最初几个月的谣言特征和传播,并评估卫生部门发布更正公告的有效性。方法:我们检索了COVID-19大流行早期在中国社交媒体上广泛传播的谣言,并评估了官方澄清和驳斥这些谣言的科普文章的有效性。结果:我们发现,2019年12月1日至2020年4月15日期间,中国与COVID-19大流行相关的谣言数量波动很大。谣言主要发生在3个省份:湖北、浙江和广西。个人社交媒体账号构成了4条传播最广泛的谣言(“双黄连可以预防新型冠状病毒”:7648/ 10664,71.7{\%}; the novel coronavirus is the SARS coronavirus: 14,696/15,902, 92.4{\%}; medical supplies intended for assisting Hubei were detained by the local government: 3911/3943, 99.2{\%}; asymptomatically infected persons were regarded as diagnosed COVID-19 patients with symptoms in official counts: 322/323, 99.7{\%}). The number of rumors circulating was positively associated with the severity of the COVID-19 epidemic ($\rho$=0.88, 95{\%} CI 0.81-0.93). The release of correction articles was associated with a substantial decrease in the proportion of rumor reports compared to accurate reports. The proportions of negative sentiments appearing among comments by citizens in response to media articles disseminating rumors and disseminating correct information differ insignificantly (both correct reports: $\chi$12=0.315, P=.58; both rumors: $\chi$12=0.025, P=.88; first rumor and last correct report: $\chi$12=1.287, P=.26; first correct report and last rumor: $\chi$12=0.033, P=.86). Conclusions: Our results highlight the importance and urgency of monitoring and correcting false or misleading reports on websites and personal social media accounts. The circulation of rumors can influence public health, and government bodies should establish guidelines to monitor and mitigate the negative impact of such rumors. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/27339", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2021/12/e27339", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/27339", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34806992" }