@文章{info:doi/10.2196/31483,作者="S{\"a}{\"a}skilahti, Maria and Ojanen, Anna and Ahonen, Riitta and Timonen, Johanna",标题="全国患者门户的好处、问题和潜在改进:药房客户体验的横切调查",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2021",月="11",日="3",卷="23",数="11",页="e31483",关键词="福利;问题;改进的需要;病人门户;病人参与;经验;背景:患者参与是卫生保健领域的一个世界性趋势。患者门户有可能增加患者对其健康和护理的了解,从而提高患者的参与度。需要门户用户的经验来确定这些门户是否正常工作,以及在实现它们之前是否存在实现目标的障碍。目的:本研究的目的是分析芬兰全国患者门户网站My Kanta的药房客户体验,包括受益、问题和潜在改进。 Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted among pharmacy customers in the spring of 2019. The questionnaires (N=2866) were distributed from 18 community pharmacies across mainland Finland to customers aged ≥18 years who were purchasing prescription medicines for themselves or their children aged <18 years. Using open-ended questions, customers were asked about their experiences of the benefits and problems of My Kanta and what improvements could be made. Their responses were encoded and categorized using inductive content analysis, stored in SPSS Statistics for Windows, and analyzed using frequencies. Results: Of the 2866 questionnaires, a total of 994 (34.68{\%}) questionnaires were included in the analysis. Most respondents were My Kanta users (820/994, 82.5{\%}); of these 820 users, 667 (81.3{\%}) reported at least one benefit, 311 (37.9{\%}) reported at least one problem, and 327 (39.9{\%}) reported at least one potential improvement when using My Kanta. The most commonly mentioned benefits were opportunities to view health data (290/667, 43.5{\%}) and prescriptions (247/667, 37{\%}) and to renew prescriptions (220/667, 33{\%}). The most extensively reported problems with My Kanta were that the portal lacks health data (71/311, 22.8{\%}), navigating the service and searching for information is difficult (68/311, 21.9{\%}), and the delay before health data are incorporated into the service (41/311, 13.2{\%}). The most frequently suggested potential improvements were that My Kanta needs more comprehensive health data (89/327, 27.2{\%}); the service should be easier to navigate and information easier to access (71/327, 21.7{\%}); the service should have more functions (51/327, 15.6{\%}); and health data should be entered into the portal more promptly (47/327, 14.4{\%}). Conclusions: Pharmacy customers reported more benefits than problems or potential improvements regarding the use of My Kanta. The service is useful for viewing health data and prescriptions and for renewing prescriptions. However, portal users would like to see more data and functions available in the portal and data searches to be made easier. These improvements could make the data and functions provided by the portal easier to view and use and hence promote patient engagement. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/31483", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2021/11/e31483", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/31483", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34730542" }