@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/19627,作者=“颜翔宇与苏,何轩与张,波与李,永杰与张,凌凌与贾中伟”,标题=“中国男男性行为者艾滋病自检坚持性:纵向研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2020”,月=“9”,日=“17”,卷=“22”,号=“9”,页=“e19627”,关键词=“艾滋病自检;依从性;与男性发生性关系的男性;艾滋病毒感染;使用安全套;背景:世界卫生组织建议从事不安全性行为的个人进行艾滋病毒自我检测(HIVST);然而,没有关于坚持进行艾滋病毒检测的报告。目的:在本研究中,我们试图确定男男性行为者(MSM)对hiv的依从性,以及其依从性的影响因素和潜在影响。方法:我们于2017年7月1日至2018年6月30日对中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市的MSM进行了纵向研究。利用移动应用系统提供“邮寄快速检测试剂盒”。 The proportion of those who adhered to HIV testing every 3 months was calculated. Logistic regression was used to explore the impact factors related to adherence to HIVST. Rates of HIV infection between MSM who adhered to HIVST and those who did not were compared using Cox proportional hazards regression. Changes of condom use behaviors between the two groups were also compared using the chi-square test. Results: A total of 1315 MSM who received the HIVST service through the app were included in the study. Overall, 10{\%} of the MSM adhered to HIVST, and the proportion of adhering tests was only 34.9{\%}. Adherence of HIVST was associated with marital status (adjusted odds ratio [OR]unmarried vs married 2.31, 95{\%} CI 1.13-4.71) and the number of HIV tests they received (adjusted OR3 times vs 2 times or below 3.36, 95{\%} CI 2.01-5.63; adjusted OR4 times or above vs 2 times or below 7.30, 95{\%} CI 4.67-11.42). Twenty HIV seroconversions were observed during 1-year follow up. The rate of HIV infection in the adherence group (17.10 per 100 person years, 95{\%} CI 8.80-30.84) was significantly higher than that in the nonadherence group (4.80 per 100 person years, 95{\%} CI 2.77-7.88; adjusted hazard ratio 3.33, 95{\%} CI 1.35-8.20). Those who adhered to HIV testing were more likely to improve condom use behaviors, although the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusions: Regular HIV testing is necessary for early detection of HIV infection among MSM. Given the poor adherence, a new internet-based management paradigm for MSM is needed to raise their health awareness to optimize the implementation of HIVST. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/19627", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/9/e19627/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/19627", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32940619" }