@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/18458,作者=“周明杰与李,福贵与王艳红,陈爽与王可欣”,标题=“大学新生补偿性社交网站使用、家庭支持与抑郁:三波面板研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2020”,月=“9”,日=“2”,卷=“22”,号=“9”,页=“e18458”,关键词=“新生;内向;SNS代偿性使用;抑郁症;家人的支持;背景:大一新生将社交网站作为一种有效适应大学生活的有用媒介,这表明他们倾向于利用社交网站进行社会补偿。然而,社交网络的代偿性使用通常存在问题。目的:本研究通过考察内向性的前因作用、社交网络代偿性使用的解释作用和感知到的家庭支持的保护作用,探讨大学新生在适应社会生活过程中出现抑郁症状的原因。该研究是第一个通过纵向设计指出SNS代偿性使用的相关性来解释内向和抑郁之间的间接关联的研究之一。方法:采用新生三波面板样本(N=1137)检验有调节的中介模型。 Results: We found that introversion at Wave 1 positively predicted compensatory use of SNS at Wave 2 and subsequently increased depression at Wave 3 (unstandardized B=0.07, SE 0.02, P<.001, 95{\%} CI 0.04-0.10; unstandardized B=0.09, SE 0.01, P<.001, 95{\%} CI 0.06-0.12). The moderated mediation model further examined the buffering role of perceived family support within the link between introversion and compensatory SNS use (index=0.0031, SE 0.0015, 95{\%} CI 0.0003-0.0062). Unexpectedly, we found that family support in Wave 1 decreased compensatory SNS use for less introverted freshmen in Wave 2 and further decreased depression in Wave 3. Conclusions: Unexpectedly, our findings uncover an enhancing effect, rather than a buffering effect, of family support by embedding its effect within the relationship between introversion and compensatory SNS use. Appreciating the differences in the casual pathways for freshmen with different levels of introversion clarifies how SNS affect young adults' lives. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/18458", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/9/e18458", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/18458", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32795999" }