@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/18346,作者=“Camacho, Erica和Hoffman, Liza和Lagan, Sarah和Rodriguez-Villa, Elena和Rauseo-Ricupero, Natali和Wisniewski, Hannah和Henson, Philip和Torous, John”,标题=“健康应用程序的技术评估和评估标准(teachi -Apps):试点研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2020”,月=“8”,日=“27”,卷=“22”,数=“8”,页=“e18346”,关键词=“app”;移动电话;智能手机;应用评价;背景:尽管出现了应用评估工具,但仍然没有明确的流程来接受不同的本地需求,严格的标准和当前的内容。显然,需要这样一个过程来协助在所有医疗领域实施应用程序评估。这样的过程有可能增加利益相关者的参与,并促进对当前应用评估模型的兴趣和参与。目的:本研究旨在制定健康应用技术评价与评估标准(TEACH-apps)并进行试点测试。方法:裁剪一个著名的实施框架,复制有效的程序,我们提出了一个新的过程,以解决当今实施应用程序评估工具所面临的挑战。根据我们实施这一进程的经验和利益攸关方的反馈,我们提出了帮助实施移动卫生技术的四部分进程。 This paper outlines the theory, evidence, and initial versions of the process. Results: The TEACH-apps process is designed to be broadly usable and widely applicable across all fields of health. The process comprises four parts: (1) preconditions (eg, gathering apps and considering local needs), (2) preimplementation (eg, customizing criteria and offering digital skills training), (3) implementation (eg, evaluating apps and creating educational handouts), and (4) maintenance and evolution (eg, repeating the process every 90 days and updating content). TEACH-apps has been tested internally at our hospital, and there is growing interest in partnering health care facilities to test the system at their sites. Conclusions: This implementation framework introduces a process that equips stakeholders, clinicians, and users with the foundational tools to make informed decisions around app use and increase app evaluation engagement. The application of this process may lead to the selection of more culturally appropriate and clinically relevant tools in health care. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/18346", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/8/e18346", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/18346", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32535548" }