@文章{info:doi/10.2196/19274,作者="Tajirian, Tania和Stergiopoulos, Vicky和Strudwick, Gillian和Sequeira, Lydia和Sanches, Marcos和Kemp, Jessica和Ramamoorthi, Karishini和Zhang, Timothy和Jankowicz, Damian",标题="使用电子健康记录对医生职业倦怠的影响:横向调查",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2020",月="7",日="15",卷="22",数="7",页数="e19274",关键词="电子健康记录;医生;倦怠的;精神病学;背景:医生的职业倦怠直接影响高质量的医疗保健的提供,而诸如电子医疗记录(EHRs)等卫生信息技术工具增加了实践效率低下的负担。目的:本研究的目的是确定医生和学习者(住院医师和研究员)的职业倦怠程度;确定与ehr相关的导致医生职业倦怠的重要因素;并探讨医生和学习者在EHR相关因素方面的差异,如在EHR上花费的时间、文档风格、熟练程度、培训和感知有用性。此外,该研究旨在通过使用日志确定医生使用EHR的模式,以解决EHR相关倦怠研究方法的不足。方法:本研究采用横断面调查方法,并对在加拿大一家大型学术精神健康医院进行的调查对象使用电子病历后端日志措施的管理数据进行审查。 Chi-square and Fisher exact tests were used to examine the association of EHR-related factors with general physician burnout. The survey was sent out to 474 individuals between May and June 2019, including physicians (n=407), residents (n=53), and fellows (n=14), and we measured physician burnout and perceptions of EHR stressors (along with demographic and practice characteristics). Results: Our survey included 208 respondents, including physicians (n=176) and learners (n=32). The response rate was 43.2{\%} for physicians (full-time: 156/208, 75.0{\%}; part-time: 20/199, 10.1{\%}), and 48{\%} (32/67) for learners. A total of 25.6{\%} (45/176) of practicing physicians and 19{\%} (6/32) of learners reported having one or more symptoms of burnout, and 74.5{\%} (155/208) of all respondents who reported burnout symptoms identified the EHR as a contributor. Lower satisfaction and higher frustration with the EHRs were significantly associated with perceptions of EHR contributing toward burnout. Physicians' and learners' experiences with the EHR, gathered through open-ended survey responses, identified challenges around the intuitiveness and usability of the technology as well as workflow issues. Metrics gathered from back-end usage logs demonstrated a 13.6-min overestimation in time spent on EHRs per patient and a 5.63-hour overestimation of after-hours EHR time, when compared with self-reported survey data. Conclusions: This study suggests that the use of EHRs is a perceived contributor to physician burnout. There should be a focus on combating physician burnout by reducing the unnecessary administrative burdens of EHRs through efficient implementation of systems and effective postimplementation strategies. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/19274", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/7/e19274", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/19274", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32673234" }