@文章{info:doi/10.2196/19128,作者="Farooq, Ali and Laato, Samuli and Islam, A K M Najmul",标题="COVID-19大流行期间网络信息对自我隔离意愿的影响:横断面研究",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2020",月="5",日="6",卷="22",数="5",页="e19128",关键词="COVID-19;大流行;闭关锁国则,摧毁行为;保护动机理论;cyberchondria;背景:在冠状病毒病(COVID-19)大流行期间,各国政府出台了行动限制措施,并对一些地区实施隔离,以遏制疾病的传播。此外,鼓励个人采取诸如社会隔离等个人保健措施。通过各种渠道,包括社交媒体、新闻网站和电子邮件,传播了有关该疾病的信息和建议的避免措施。之前的研究表明,大量的可用信息可能会令人困惑,可能导致过度关注和信息过载。 Objective: This study investigates the impact of online information on the individual-level intention to voluntarily self-isolate during the pandemic. Using the protection-motivation theory as a framework, we propose a model outlining the effects of cyberchondria and information overload on individuals' perceptions and motivations. Methods: To test the proposed model, we collected data with an online survey (N=225) and analyzed it using partial least square-structural equation modeling. The effects of social media and living situation were tested through multigroup analysis. Results: Cyberchondria and information overload had a significant impact on individuals' threat and coping perceptions, and through them on self-isolation intention. Among the appraisal constructs, perceived severity (P=.002) and self-efficacy (P=.003) positively impacted self-isolation intention, while response cost (P<.001) affected the intention negatively. Cyberchondria (P=.003) and information overload (P=.003) indirectly affected self-isolation intention through the aforementioned perceptions. Using social media as an information source increased both cyberchondria and information overload. No differences in perceptions were found between people living alone and those living with their families. Conclusions: During COVID-19, frequent use of social media contributed to information overload and overconcern among individuals. To boost individuals' motivation to adopt preventive measures such as self-isolation, actions should focus on lowering individuals' perceived response costs in addition to informing them about the severity of the situation. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/19128", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/5/e19128/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/19128", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32330115" }