@文章{info:doi/10.2196/16218,作者="Steindal, Simen A和Nes, Andr{\'e} A Aparecida Goncalves和Godskesen, Tove e和Dihle, Alfhild和Lind, Susanne和Winger, Anette和Klarare, Anna",标题="家庭临终关怀中远程医疗的患者体验:范围回顾",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2020",月="5",日="5",卷="22",数="5",页="e16218",关键词="医疗保健技术;审查;姑息治疗;背景:远程保健正越来越多地用于家庭护理,可能是支持接受姑息治疗的家庭病人需求的一项措施。然而,此前没有范围审查对姑息性家庭护理患者使用远程保健的现有研究进行映射。目的:本研究的目的是绘制和评估已发表的关于姑息性家庭护理患者使用远程保健的研究。方法:使用Arksey和O’malley的方法框架进行范围审查。报告由系统评审的首选报告项目和范围评审的元分析扩展指导。对2000年1月至2018年10月期间发表的研究进行了系统、全面的在线医学文献分析与检索系统、EMBASE、PsycINFO和护理及相关健康累积指数的检索。两位作者独立评估了资格并提取了数据。 Results: The review included 22 papers from 19 studies. Four thematic groupings were identified among the included papers: easy and effortless use of telehealth regardless of the current health condition, visual features that enhance communication and care via telehealth, symptom management and self-management promotion by telehealth, and perceptions of improved palliative care at home. Conclusions: The use of telehealth in palliative home care seems to be feasible, improving access to health care professionals at home and enhancing feelings of security and safety. The visual features of telehealth seem to allow a genuine relationship with health care professionals. However, there are contradicting results on whether the use of telehealth improves burdensome symptoms and quality of life. Future research should investigate the experiences of using telehealth among patients with life-limiting illness other than cancer and patients aged 85 years or older. More research is needed to increase the body of knowledge regarding the effectiveness of telehealth on symptoms and quality of life. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/16218", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/5/e16218", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/16218", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32369037" }