@文章{info:doi/10.2196/12611,作者=“Heisey-Grove, Dawn M和caretta, Henry J”,标题=“患者和医生之间安全消息接收的差异:两项全国横断面调查的纵向分析”,期刊=“J医学互联网研究”,年=“2020”,月=“5”,日=“1”,卷=“22”,数=“5”,页=“e12611”,关键词=“电子邮件;健康的沟通;背景:患者和临床医生之间安全地交换电子邮件有望改善获得保健的机会,并间接改善健康结果。然而,迄今为止,在患者和临床医生中,关于谁在使用安全消息的研究结果不一。目的:利用两项全国代表性横断面调查的数据,本研究旨在比较患者使用安全消息的流行程度和他们通过医生获得功能的情况,并探索与使用安全消息相关的临床实践、医生特征和患者社会人口特征。方法:我们进行回归分析,以确定来自国家健康访谈调查(NHIS)和国家门诊医疗护理调查(NAMCS)的自我报告的安全消息的使用和访问,以及患者、实践和医生特征之间的统计关联。NHIS在2013年至2018年期间收集了约15万名成年人的数据,用于评估与临床医生的电子邮件通信相关的患者特征。NAMCS数据包括7340名在2013年至2016年间报告安全消息传递使用情况的医生,并提供了有关医生专业、认证健康信息技术(IT)的使用、与安全消息传递访问和使用相关的诊所规模和所有权的背景信息。结果:到2016年,三分之二的门诊就诊由报告使用安全短信的医生进行,2013年为40.70{\%}。然而,在2013年至2018年期间,报告给他们的临床医生发送电子邮件的美国居民的比例仅从7.22{\%}增加到16.67{\%}。 We observed a strong positive association between certified health IT use and secure messaging use (odds ratio [OR] 11.46, 95{\%} CI 7.55-17.39). Individuals who were black, had lower levels of education, had Medicaid or other public payer insurance, or those who were uninsured had reduced odds for using email to communicate with clinicians. No differences were observed in secure messaging use based on physician specialty, but significant differences were observed by practice size (OR 0.46, 95{\%} CI 0.35-0.60 in solo practices vs nonsolo practices) and practice ownership (P<.001 for the different categories). Conclusions: This study is the first to use two large nationally representative surveys to produce longitudinal estimates on the access and use of patient-clinician email communication in the United States. The survey findings complement each other: one provides the patient perspective of their use and the other indicates potential patient access to secure messaging based on the use of the functionality by the physicians providing treatment. This study provides nationally representative data on the characteristics of patients and physicians who have access to and are using secure messaging. This information can be used to target interventions to promote adoption and use of secure messaging. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/12611", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/5/e12611", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/12611", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32356775" }