@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/17251,作者="Altendorf, Maria and Hoving, Ciska and Van Weert, Julia CM and Smit, Eline Suzanne",标题="基于web的戒烟计划中消息框架剪裁的有效性:随机控制试验",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2020",月="Apr",日="3",卷="22",数="4",页数="e17251",关键词="在线计算机剪裁;戒烟;消息帧裁剪;内容调整;需要自主;背景:在线计算机定制干预的内容通常与个体的特征、信念和行为因素相匹配。这些针对内容的干预措施可以更好地处理信息,并更有可能改变行为,如戒烟。然而,一项针对在线计算机定制干预措施的元分析显示,尽管效果是积极的,但仍然很小,这表明还有改进的空间。提高在线计算机定制干预效果的一个有前途的策略是,除了内容定制外,还根据用户的首选沟通风格定制消息框架(即消息是如何传播的)。决定个人沟通风格偏好的一个因素是自主性的需要; some individuals prefer an autonomy-supportive communication style (offering choice and use of suggestive language), whereas others might prefer a directive communication style, which is replete with imperatives and does not provide choice. Tailoring how messages are presented (eg, based on the need for autonomy) is called message frame-tailoring. Objective: The aim of the present study was to test the effectiveness of message frame-tailoring based on the need for autonomy, in isolation and in combination with content-tailoring, within the context of an online computer-tailored smoking cessation intervention. The primary outcome measure was the 7-day point-prevalence of smoking abstinence. Secondary outcomes were perceived message relevance, self-determined motivation to quit smoking, and sociocognitive beliefs. Methods: A randomized controlled trial with a 2 (message frame-tailoring vs no message frame-tailoring) by 2 (content-tailoring vs no content-tailoring) design was conducted among adult smokers intending to quit smoking (N=273). Results: Structural equation modeling revealed that the content-tailored condition increased smoking abstinence rates 1 month after the start of the intervention (beta=.57, P=.02). However, neither message frame-tailoring nor its interaction with content-tailoring significantly predicted smoking abstinence. In our model, message frame-tailoring, content-tailoring, as well as their interaction significantly predicted perceived relevance of the smoking cessation messages, which consequently predicted self-determined motivation. In turn, self-determined motivation positively affected attitudes and self-efficacy for smoking cessation, but only self-efficacy consequently predicted smoking abstinence. Participants in the control condition perceived the highest level of message relevance (mean 4.78, SD 1.27). However, messages that were frame-tailored for individuals with a high need for autonomy in combination with content-tailored messages led to significantly higher levels of perceived message relevance (mean 4.83, SD 1.03) compared to those receiving content-tailored messages only (mean 4.24, SD 1.05, P=.003). Conclusions: Message frame-tailoring based on the need for autonomy seems to be an effective addition to conventional content-tailoring techniques in online smoking cessation interventions for people with a high need for autonomy; however, this is not effective in its current form for people with a low need for autonomy. Trial Registration: Dutch Trial Register (NL6512/NRT-6700); https://www.trialregister.nl/trial/6512 ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/17251", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/4/e17251", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/17251", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32242826" }