@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/16951,作者="Khoong, Elaine C和Rivadeneira, Natalie A和Hiatt, Robert A和Sarkar, Urmimala",标题="在多语言城市队列中使用技术与临床医生沟通或寻求健康信息:横向调查",期刊="J医学互联网研究",年="2020",月="四月",日="6",卷="22",数="4",页="e16951",关键词="弱势人群;卫生信息技术;医患关系;消费者健康信息;数字鸿沟;社交媒体;背景:科技正越来越多地用于传播健康信息,但对于这些策略是否对弱势群体有效,包括非英语人群或低收入人群,知识有限。目的:本研究评估了语言偏好(如英语、西班牙语或中文)、智能手机所有权和常规医疗来源的诊所类型(如无常规医疗来源、非综合安全网、综合安全网、私人或社区诊所、学术性三级医疗中心或综合支付-提供者)如何影响与健康相关的通信技术使用。方法:2017年5月至9月,我们对1027名说英语、西班牙语和中文的旧金山居民进行了一项非随机、有针对性的调查,并使用加权多变量logistic回归分析来评估五种技术使用结果的预测因素。兴趣的三个主要预测因素——语言偏好、智能手机所有权和常规护理诊所类型——根据年龄、性别、种族或民族、有限英语水平、教育程度、健康素养和健康状况进行了调整。 Three outcomes focused on use of email, SMS text message, or phone apps to communicate with clinicians. The two other outcomes were use of Web-based health videos or online health support groups. Results: Nearly one-third of participants watched Web-based health videos (367/1027, 35.74{\%}) or used emails to communicate with their clinician (318/1027, 30.96{\%}). In adjusted analyses, individuals without smartphones had significantly lower odds of texting their clinician (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 0.27, 95{\%} CI 0.13-0.56), using online health support groups (aOR 0.14, 95{\%} CI 0.04-0.55), or watching Web-based health videos (aOR 0.31, 95{\%} CI 0.15-0.64). Relative to English-speaking survey respondents, individuals who preferred Chinese had lower odds of texting their clinician (aOR 0.25, 95{\%} CI 0.08-0.79), whereas Spanish-speaking survey respondents had lower odds of using apps to communicate with clinicians (aOR 0.34, 95{\%} CI 0.16-0.75) or joining an online support group (aOR 0.30, 95{\%} CI 0.10-0.92). Respondents who received care from a clinic affiliated with the integrated safety net, academic tertiary medical center, or integrated payer-provider systems had higher odds than individuals without a usual source of care at using emails, SMS text messages, or apps to communicate with clinicians. Conclusions: In vulnerable populations, smartphone ownership increases the use of many forms of technology for health purposes, but device ownership itself is not sufficient to increase the use of all technologies for communicating with clinicians. Language preference impacts the use of technology for health purposes even after considering English proficiency. Health system factors impact patients' use of technology-enabled approaches for communicating with clinicians. No single factor was associated with higher odds of using technology for all health purposes; therefore, existing disparities in the use of digital health tools among diverse and vulnerable populations can only be addressed using a multipronged approach. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/16951", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/4/e16951", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/16951", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32250280" }