@Article{信息:doi/10.2196/15599,作者=“穆勒,西蒙·M和洪勒,瓦伦蒂娜·N·S和Jungo,皮埃尔和卡雅各布,卢西安和施韦格勒,西蒙和史蒂夫林,埃斯特·H和曼贾利·托马斯,齐塔·罗斯和富克斯,奥利弗和纳瓦里尼,亚历山大和谢雷尔,凯瑟琳和勃兰特,奥利弗”,标题=“虚构,谎言和少数事实:“YouTube上特应性湿疹相关视频内容相关质量的横断面研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2020”,月=“Apr”,日=“24”,卷=“22”,数=“4”,页=“e15599”,关键词=“YouTube;社交媒体;视频;特应性湿疹;特应性皮炎;质量评价;全球质量量表;背景:近年来,YouTube已成为医疗保健消费者公认的医疗信息来源。虽然YouTube在这方面有优势,但也有潜在的危险,因为视频可能包含不科学、误导甚至有害的信息。 Objective: As little is known about YouTube as a source of information on atopic dermatitis (AD), we investigated the content-related quality of AD videos and their perception among YouTube users. Methods: The quality of the 100 most viewed AD videos was assessed by using the Global Quality Scale (GQS) and the DISCERN instrument. Videos were classified as ``useful,'' ``misleading,'' and ``potentially harmful,'' and the correlations of viewers' ratings (likes) with the GQS and DISCERN scores were assessed. Results: Among the 100 videos, 68.0{\%} (68/100) and 62.0{\%} (62/100) were of poor and very poor scientific quality, respectively. Additionally, 32.0{\%} (32/100) of the videos were classified as useful, 48.0{\%} (48/100) were classified as misleading, and 34.0{\%} (34/100) were classified as potentially harmful. Viewers' ratings did not correlate with the GQS and DISCERN scores. Overall, 50.0{\%} (50/100) of the videos were posted by private individuals and promoters of complementary/alternative treatments, 42.0{\%} (42/100) by therapeutical advertisers, and only 8.0{\%} (8/100) by nonprofit organizations/universities. Conclusions: Our study demonstrated that two-thirds of the videos analyzed were below acceptable medical quality standards and that many videos were disseminating misleading or even dangerous content. Subjective and anecdotal content was overrepresented, and viewers did not appear to be able to distinguish between high- and low-quality videos. Health promotion strategies by professional medical organizations are needed to improve their presence and visibility on YouTube. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/15599", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/4/e15599", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/15599", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32329744" }