@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/16853,作者=“Pedersen, Eric R和Firth, Caislin和Parker, Jennifer和Shih, Regina A和Davenport, Steven和Rodriguez, Anthony和Dunbar, Michael S和Kraus, Lisa和Tucker, Joan S和D'Amico, Elizabeth J”,标题=“为研究目的定位医疗和娱乐大麻Outlets:在线方法和观察研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2020”,月=“Feb”,日=“26”,卷=“22”,数=“2”,页=“e16853”,关键词=“大麻;大麻;药房;零售商;洛杉矶;背景:越来越多的州制定了法律,规定在实体店面外合法销售娱乐和医用大麻。鉴于大麻销售点的激增及其对当地经济、社区结构和个人大麻使用模式的潜在影响,必须制定切实和彻底的方法,以获取此类销售点的位置,以供研究之用。然而,研究人员使用的方法在不同的研究中差异很大,并且通常不包括零售商的许可证状态和店面标志等重要信息。目的:本研究的目的是寻找在娱乐大麻零售商获得许可并允许营业后,洛杉矶县大麻销售点的定位和观察方法。方法:首先对在线大麻销售点数据库进行搜索,然后对每个销售点的名称、地址、许可信息和开放状态进行验证。 These procedures, conducted solely online, resulted in a database of 531 outlets. To further verify each outlet's information and collect signage data, we conducted direct observations of the 531 identified outlets. Results: We found that 80.9{\%} (430/531) of these outlets were open for business, of which 37.6{\%} (162/430) were licensed to sell cannabis. Unlicensed outlets were less likely to have signage indicating the store sold cannabis, such as a green cross, which was the most prevalent form of observed signage. Co-use of cannabis and tobacco/nicotine has been found to be a substantial health concern, and we observed that 40.6{\%} (175/430) of cannabis outlets had a tobacco/nicotine outlet within sight of the cannabis outlet. Most (350/430, 81.4{\%}) cannabis outlets were located within the City of Los Angeles, and these outlets were more likely to be licensed than outlets outside the city. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that online searches and observational methods are both necessary to best capture accurate and detailed information about cannabis outlets. The methods described here can be applied to other metropolitan areas to more accurately capture the availability of cannabis in an area. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/16853", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/2/e16853", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/16853", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32130141" }