@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/21451,作者="Massey, Philip M和Kearney, Matthew D和Hauer, Michael K和Selvan, Preethi和Koku, Emmanuel和Leader, Amy E",标题="关于Instagram上HPV疫苗的错误信息维度:社交媒体特征的内容和网络分析",期刊="J医学互联网研究",年="2020",月="12",日="3",卷="22",数="12",页="e21451",关键词="社交媒体;癌症;疫苗接种;健康的沟通;公共卫生;人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗是癌症预防的一项重大进步,这种一级预防工具有可能减少和消除HPV相关的癌症;然而,疫苗的安全性和有效性,特别是HPV疫苗,受到了攻击,特别是通过社交媒体上的错误信息传播。流行的社交媒体平台Instagram是健康(错误)信息的重要来源;三分之一的美国成年人使用Instagram。目的:本分析的目的是描述Instagram上支持和抗hpv疫苗网络的特征,并描述抗hpv疫苗网络中的错误信息。 Methods: From April 2018 to December 2018, we collected publicly available English-language Instagram posts containing hashtags {\#}HPV, {\#}HPVVaccine, or {\#}Gardasil using Netlytic software (n=16,607). We randomly selected 10{\%} of the sample and content analyzed relevant posts (n=580) for text, image, and social media features as well as holistic attributes (eg, sentiments, personal stories). Among antivaccine posts, we organized elements of misinformation within four broad dimensions: 1) misinformation theoretical domains, 2) vaccine debate topics, 3) evidence base, and 4) health beliefs. We conducted univariate, bivariate, and network analyses on the subsample of posts to quantify the role and position of individual posts in the network. Results: Compared to provaccine posts (324/580, 55.9{\%}), antivaccine posts (256/580, 44.1{\%}) were more likely to originate from individuals (64.1{\%} antivaccine vs 25.0{\%} provaccine; P<.001) and include personal narratives (37.1{\%} vs 25.6{\%}; P=.003). In the antivaccine network, core misinformation characteristics included mentioning {\#}Gardasil, purporting to reveal a lie (ie, concealment), conspiracy theories, unsubstantiated claims, and risk of vaccine injury. Information/resource posts clustered around misinformation domains including falsification, nanopublications, and vaccine-preventable disease, whereas personal narrative posts clustered around different domains of misinformation, including concealment, injury, and conspiracy theories. The most liked post (6634 likes) in our full subsample was a positive personal narrative post, created by a non-health individual; the most liked post (5604 likes) in our antivaccine subsample was an informational post created by a health individual. Conclusions: Identifying characteristics of misinformation related to HPV vaccine on social media will inform targeted interventions (eg, network opinion leaders) and help sow corrective information and stories tailored to different falsehoods. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/21451", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/12/e21451", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/21451", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33270038" }