@Article{info:doi/10.2196/15318,作者=“Thompson, Debbe and Callender, Chishinga and Gonynor, Caroline and Cullen, Karen W and Redondo, Maria J and Butler, Ashley and Anderson, Barbara J”,标题=“利用关系代理促进1型糖尿病家庭自我管理的家庭沟通”纵向试点研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2019”,月=“Sep”,日=“13”,卷=“21”,号=“9”,页=“e15318”,关键词=“青少年;家庭沟通;青春期前的;代理关系;背景:家庭冲突会降低青少年对1型糖尿病管理任务的依从性。家庭团队亲自干预在减少冲突和对糖尿病相关任务的低依从性方面被证明是有效的。然而,由于需要亲自进行干预会议,其范围和潜在影响受到限制。关系代理(即人类的计算机化版本)已被证明对不同的受众具有吸引力,并且可能是基于技术的行为改变干预中人类的可接受替代品。目的:本文的目的是介绍一项试点研究的结果,评估糖尿病家庭在线团队合作的可行性和可接受性,这是家庭团队合作干预的改编版本,通过互联网交付,并由关系代理指导。 Methods: Parent-adolescent dyads were recruited through a diabetes care clinic at a large tertiary care hospital in the southwestern United States. A one-group design, with assessments at baseline, immediate postintervention, and 3 months later, was used to assess feasibility. A priori feasibility criteria included an assessment of recruitment, completion, attrition, program satisfaction, therapeutic alliance, attitudes toward the relational agent, and data collection. The institutional review board at Baylor College of Medicine approved the protocol (H-37245). Results: Twenty-seven adolescents aged 10 to 15 years with type 1 diabetes and their parents were enrolled. Criteria used to assess feasibility were (1) recruitment goals were met (n=20), (2) families completed ≥75{\%} of the modules, (3) attrition rate was ≤10{\%}, (4) program satisfaction was high (≥80{\%} of families), (5) therapeutic alliance was high (average score of ≥60/84), (6) families expressed positive attitudes toward the relational agent (average item score of ≥5 on ≥4 items), (7) ≥80{\%} of data were collected at post 1 and post 2, and (8) few technical issues (≤10{\%}) occurred during intervention delivery. All feasibility criteria were met. Qualitative data confirmed that adolescents and parents had positive reactions to both the content and approach. Conclusions: The Diabetes Family Teamwork Online intervention proved to be a feasible and acceptable method for enhancing communication around diabetes management tasks in families with an adolescent who has type 1 diabetes. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): RR2-10.2196/resprot.5817 ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/15318", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/9/e15318/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/15318", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31538940" }