@Article{info:doi/10.2196/14484,作者=“吴泰来与邓,赵华与陈卓与张,东兰与吴翔与王若曦”,标题=“基于web的健康社区中患者对医生忠诚度的预测:横断面研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2019”,月=“Sep”,日=“03”,卷=“21”,号=“9”,页=“e14484”,关键词=“医学信息学”;远程医疗;病人;医生;社会网络;心理理论;社会理论;背景:基于web的卫生社区不仅为患者提供了寻求护理的手段,而且还促进了他们与医生的关系。然而,人们对基于网络的健康社区中患者对医生忠诚度的预测因素知之甚少。目的:本研究旨在探讨网络健康社区中患者对医生忠诚的预测因素。 Methods: On the basis of sociotechnical systems theory and attachment theory, we propose that social factors including emotional interaction, perceived expertise, and social norm influence patients' loyalty through their emotional attachment, whereas technical factors including sociability, personalization, and perceived security affect patients' loyalty through functional dependence. To validate our proposed research model, we used the survey method and collected 373 valid answers. Partial least square was used to analyze the data. Results: Our empirical analysis results showed that all the social factors including emotional interaction (beta=.257, t350=2.571; P=.01), perceived expertise (beta=.288, t350=3.412; P=.001), and social norm (beta=.210, t350=2.017; P=.04) affect patients' emotional attachment toward doctors significantly, whereas except sociability (beta=.110, t350=1.152; P=.25), technical factors such as personalization (beta=.242, t350=2.228; P=.03) and perceived security (beta=.328, t350=3.438; P=.001) impact functional dependence significantly. Considering the effect of working mechanisms, both emotional attachment (beta=.443, t350=4.518; P<.001) and functional dependence (beta=.303, t350=2.672; P=.008) influence patients' loyalty toward doctors in Web-based health communities significantly. Conclusions: Patients' loyalty toward doctors in Web-based health communities is important for the effectiveness of doctors' advice or service in Web-based health communities. The research results not only fill the gaps in the literature of the patient-doctor relationship and Web-based health communities but also has many implications for establishing patients' loyalty on Web-based health communities and in physical context. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/14484", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/9/e14484/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/14484", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31482855" }