@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/13967,作者=“Kapinos, Kandice和Kotzias, Virginia和Bogen, Debra和Ray, Kristin和Demirci, Jill和Rigas, Mary Ann和usche - pines, Lori”,标题=“农村母乳喂养母亲远程哺乳的使用和经验:一项随机对照试验的二次分析”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2019”,月=“Sep”,日=“03”,卷=“21”,数=“9”,页=“e13967”,关键词=“远程医疗;远程医疗;母乳喂养;泌乳;哺乳期的支持;背景:远程哺乳服务通过视听技术将母乳喂养的母亲与远程哺乳顾问联系起来,可以增加农村地区获得专业母乳喂养支持的机会。目的:本研究的目的是确定与远程哺乳需求和使用相关的母亲特征,并描述访问特征。方法:我们在随机对照试验的背景下进行了一项描述性研究。参与者调查数据和供应商电子病历数据用于评估视频通话特征,如时间、持续时间、讨论的主题和参与者满意度。招募发生在2016-2018年,在宾夕法尼亚州的一家农村危重医院。 The 102 women enrolled in the study were given access to unlimited, on-demand video calls with lactation consultants through a mobile phone app and were tracked for 12 weeks following their postpartum hospitalization. Results: A total of 94 participants out of 102 recruits (92{\%}) participated in the final, 12-week survey assessment were included in the analysis. Of those, 47 (50{\%}) participants reported participating in one or more video calls, and 31 (33{\%}) completed one or more calls that included a substantive discussion of a breastfeeding challenge. Participants who used telelactation (21/31, 68{\%}; P=.02) were more likely to be working at 12 weeks postpartum compared to others (26/63, 41{\%}), were less likely (12/31, 39{\%}; P=.02) to have prior breastfeeding experience on average compared to nonusers (41/63, 65{\%}), and were less likely to have breastfed exclusively (16/31, 52{\%}; P<.001) prior to hospital discharge compared to mothers who didn't use telelactation services (51/63, 81{\%}). Most video calls (58/83, 70{\%}) occurred during the infant's first month of life and 41{\%} (34/83) occurred outside of business hours. The most common challenges discussed included: breast pain, soreness, and infection (25/83, 30{\%}), use of nipple shields (21/83, 25{\%}), and latch or positioning (17/83, 24{\%}). Most telelactation users (43/47, 91{\%}) expressed satisfaction with the help received. Conclusions: Telelactation is an innovation in the delivery of professional breastfeeding support. This research documents both demand for and positive experiences with telelactation in an underserved population. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02870413; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02870413 ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/13967", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/9/e13967/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/13967", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31482848" }