@文章{info:doi/10.2196/13587,作者="金晓玲和张淼和周,中云和于小雨",标题="应用区块链平台管理和保护个人基因组数据:以LifeCODE为例。ai in China”,journal=“J Med Internet Res”,year=“2019”,month=“Sep”,day=“10”,volume=“21”,number=“9”,pages=“e13587”,keywords=“基因组大数据平台;区块链;数据所有权;数据共享;数据安全;背景:基因和基因组技术的快速发展,如新一代测序和基因组编辑,使疾病的治疗更加精确和有效。这些技术的价值只有通过对人类基因组和健康数据的汇总和分析才能实现。然而,基因组数据的收集和共享存在许多障碍,包括数据质量低、信息孤岛、篡改扭曲、记录丢失、私人数据泄露、灰色数据交易等。目的:本研究旨在证明新兴的区块链技术由于其去中心化、可追溯性、加密算法和防篡改特性,为保护和管理敏感的个人基因组数据提供了一种解决方案。方法:本文介绍了基于区块链的基因组大数据平台LifeCODE的案例。ai, to illustrate the means by which blockchain enables the storage and management of genomic data from the perspectives of data ownership, data sharing, and data security. Results: Blockchain opens up new avenues for dealing with data ownership, data sharing, and data security issues in genomic big data platforms and realizes the psychological empowerment of individuals in the platform. Conclusions: The blockchain platform provides new possibilities for the management and security of genetic data and can help realize the psychological empowerment of individuals in the process, and consequently, the effects of data self-governance, incentive-sharing, and security improvement can be achieved. However, there are still some problems in the blockchain that have not been solved, and which require continuous in-depth research and innovation in the future. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/13587", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/9/e13587/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/13587", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31507268" }