@文章{info:doi/10.2196/14160,作者="{\v{S} ilar, Jan和Pol{\'a}k, David和Ml{\'a}dek, Arno{\v{S}} t和Je{\ 'a}}ek, Filip和Kurtz, Theodore W和DiCarlo, Stephen E和{\v{z}} ivn{\'y}, Jan和Kofranek, Jiri",标题="开发用于医学教育的浏览器模拟器:介绍一种新型软件工具链",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2019",月="七月",日="03",卷="21",数="7",页="e14160",关键词="教育;生理学;计算机仿真;建模;Web浏览器;背景:用于教学的模拟器是交互式应用程序,包括被研究系统的数学模型和图形用户界面(GUI),允许用户以直观和教育的方式控制模型输入并将模型结果可视化。设计良好的模拟器促进主动学习,提高解决问题的能力,并鼓励协作和小组讨论。然而,为教学目的创建模拟器是一个具有挑战性的过程,需要许多贡献者,包括教育家、建模师、平面设计师和程序员。建立模拟器的用户友好的软件工具链的可用性可以促进这一复杂的任务。目的:本文旨在描述一个名为Bodylight.js的开源软件工具链,该工具链有助于创建基于浏览器的客户端模拟器,用于教学目的,它是平台独立的,不需要任何安装,并且可以离线工作。 The toolchain interconnects state-of-the-art modeling tools with current Web technologies and is designed to be resilient to future changes in the software ecosystem. Methods: We used several open-source Web technologies, namely, WebAssembly and JavaScript, combined with the power of the Modelica modeling language and deployed them on the internet with interactive animations built using Adobe Animate. Results: Models are implemented in the Modelica language using either OpenModelica or Dassault Syst{\`e}mes Dymola and exported to a standardized Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU) to ensure future compatibility. The C code from the FMU is further compiled to WebAssembly using Emscripten. Industry-standard Adobe Animate is used to create interactive animations. A new tool called Bodylight.js Composer was developed for the toolchain that enables one to create the final simulator by composing the GUI using animations, plots, and control elements in a drag-and-drop style and binding them to the model variables. The resulting simulators are stand-alone HyperText Markup Language files including JavaScript and WebAssembly. Several simulators for physiology education were created using the Bodylight.js toolchain and have been received with general acclaim by teachers and students alike, thus validating our approach. The Nephron, Circulation, and Pressure-Volume Loop simulators are presented in this paper. Bodylight.js is licensed under General Public License 3.0 and is free for anyone to use. Conclusions: Bodylight.js enables us to effectively develop teaching simulators. Armed with this technology, we intend to focus on the development of new simulators and interactive textbooks for medical education. Bodylight.js usage is not limited to developing simulators for medical education and can facilitate the development of simulators for teaching complex topics in a variety of different fields. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/14160", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/7/e14160", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/14160" }