@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/13739,作者="Tizek, Linda和Schielein, Maximilian和R{\"u}th, Melvin和St{\"a} der, Sonja和Pereira, Manuel Pedro和Eberlein, Bernadette和Biedermann, Tilo和Zink, Alexander",标题="气候对谷歌互联网搜索瘙痒在16个德国城市的影响:回顾性分析",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2019",月="7",日="12",卷="21",数="7",页数="e13739",关键词="瘙痒;互联网;信息学;环境;天气;背景:瘙痒症的负担很高,特别是在皮肤病患者中。确定瘙痒负担和人们医疗需求的趋势具有挑战性,因为并非所有受影响的人都咨询医生。目的:本研究的目的是调查德国的瘙痒搜索行为趋势,并确定与天气因素的关系。方法:使用谷歌AdWords关键字规划器对2014年8月至2018年7月德国16个城市的瘙痒相关搜索查询进行量化。对所有识别的关键词进行定性分类,并对瘙痒相关术语进行描述性分析。 The number of search queries per 100,000 inhabitants of each city was compared to environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, particulate matter 10 micrometers or less in diameter (PM10), and sunshine duration to investigate potential correlations. Results: We included 1150 pruritus-related keywords, which resulted in 2,851,290 queries. ``Pruritus'' (n=115,680) and ``anal pruritus'' (n=102,390) were the most-searched-for keywords. Nearly half of all queries were related to the category localization, with Berlin and Munich having a comparatively high proportion of people that searched for pruritus in the genital and anal areas. People searched more frequently for information on chronic compared to acute pruritus. The most populated cities had the lowest number of queries per 100,000 inhabitants (Berlin, n=13,641; Hamburg, n=18,303; and Munich, n=21,363), while smaller cities (Kiel, n=35,027; and Freiburg, n=39,501) had the highest. Temperature had a greater effect on search query number (beta -7.94, 95{\%} CI -10.74 to -5.15) than did PM10 (beta -5.13, 95{\%} CI -7.04 to -3.22), humidity (beta 4.73, 95{\%} CI 2.70 to 6.75), or sunshine duration (beta 0.66, 95{\%} CI 0.36 to 0.97). The highest relative number of search queries occurred during the winter (ie, December to February). Conclusions: By taking into account the study results, Google data analysis helps to examine people's search frequency, behavior, and interest across cities and regions. The results indicated a general increase in search queries during the winter as well as differences across cities located in the same region; for example, there was a decline in search volume in Saarbrucken, while there were increases in Cologne, Frankfurt, and Dortmund. In addition, the detected correlation between search volume and weather data seems to be valuable in predicting an increase in pruritus burden, since a significant association with rising humidity and sunshine duration, as well as declining temperature and PM10, was found. Accordingly, this is an unconventional and inexpensive method to identify search behavior trends and respective inhabitants' needs. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/13739", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/7/e13739/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/13739", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31301128" }