@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/14184,作者="Esmaeilzadeh, Pouyan and Mirzaei, Tala",标题="区块链技术在健康信息交换中的潜力:从患者角度进行的实验研究",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2019",月="Jun",日="20",卷="21",数="6",页数="e14184",关键词="健康信息交换;病人;隐私;信任;风险;背景:如今,医疗保健机构和医生正在使用一些机制和工具来电子交换患者的个人健康信息。不同的健康信息交换(HIE)方法的主要目标是降低医疗保健成本,最大限度地减少医疗差错,并改善跨医疗保健实体的组织间信息交换的协调。与常见HIE系统相关的主要挑战是隐私问题、安全风险、系统透明度的低可见性和缺乏患者控制。区块链技术可能会颠覆医疗保健行业目前使用的信息交换模式。目的:目前尚不清楚患者对实施基于区块链的HIE网络的看法和态度,目前尚不清楚患者(作为HIE的主要利益相关者之一)是否有可能选择在HIE计划中应用这项技术。 Thus, this study aimed at exploring the core value of blockchain technology in the health care industry from health care consumers' views. Methods: To recognize the potential applications of blockchain technology in health care practices, we designed 16 information exchange scenarios for controlled Web-based experiments. Overall, 2013 respondents participated in 16 Web-based experiments. Each experiment described an information exchange condition characterized by 4 exchange mechanisms (ie, direct, lookup, patient-centered, and blockchain), 2 types of health information (ie, sensitive vs nonsensitive), and 2 types of privacy policy (weak vs strong). Results: The findings show that there are significant differences in patients' perceptions of various exchange mechanisms with regard to patient privacy concern, trust in competency and integrity, opt-in intention, and willingness to share information. Interestingly, participants hold a favorable attitude toward the implementation of blockchain-based exchange mechanisms for privacy protection, coordination, and information exchange purposes. This study proposed the potentials and limitations of a blockchain-based attempt in the HIE context. Conclusions: The results of this research should be of interest to both academics and practitioners. The findings propose potential limitations of a blockchain-based HIE that should be addressed by health care organizations to exchange personal health information in a secure and private manner. This study can contribute to the research in the blockchain area and enrich the literature on the use of blockchain in HIE efforts. Practitioners can also identify how to leverage the benefit of blockchain to promote HIE initiatives nationwide. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/14184", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/6/e14184/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/14184", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31223119" }