@文章{信息}doi/10.2196/13693,作者=“吴泰来与邓,赵华与陈卓与张,东兰与王若曦与吴翔”,标题=“中国网络健康社区中患者与医生互动意愿的预测因素:横断面研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2019”,月=“6”,日=“7”,卷=“21”,号=“6”,页=“e13693”,关键词=“医学信息学”;远程医疗;病人;医生;社会网络;心理理论;背景:基于web的健康社区为医患双方提供了互动的机会,改变了传统的医患沟通模式。然而,在中国,人们对基于网络的健康社区中患者与医生互动意愿的预测因素知之甚少。目的:本研究的目的是调查中国网络健康社区中患者与医生互动意愿的预测因素。方法:基于双因素理论和服务便利性理论,提出网络卫生社区的易用性和感知同步性等属性影响患者通过网络卫生社区的便利性进行互动的意愿,而实体卫生设施的不可达性和非连续性等属性影响患者通过实体卫生设施的便利性进行互动的意愿。 We employed the survey method to validate our hypothesized relationships. Through developing the measurement instruments, we collected 334 valid answers from Web health community users and utilized partial least square to analyze the data. Results: Ease of use (t311=2.924, P=.004) and perceived synchronicity (t311=2.353, P=.019) were found to influence convenience of Web-based health communities significantly, whereas inaccessibility (t311=3.189, P=.002) and discontinuity (t311=3.149, P=.002) were found to impact inconvenience of physical health facilities significantly. Meanwhile, both convenience of Web-based health communities (t311=2.353, P=.019) and inconvenience of physical health facilities (t311=2.787, P=.006) were found to affect patients' intention to interact with doctors in Web-based health communities significantly. Therefore, all the proposed hypotheses were supported. Conclusions: Through including factors from both Web-based health communities and physical health facilities, we can understand patients' intention to interact comprehensively. This study not only contributes to literature of doctor-patient interaction and Web-based health platforms but also provides implications to promote doctor-patient interaction online and offline. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/13693", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/6/e13693/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/13693", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31199296" }