@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/12165,作者=“Stellefson, Michael和Paige, Samantha R和Alber, Julia M和Chaney, Beth H和Chaney, Don和Apperson, Avery和Mohan, Arjun”,标题=“慢性阻塞性肺疾病成人健康素养、电子健康素养、疾病特异性知识和健康相关生活质量之间的关系:横断面研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2019”,月=“6”,日=“06”,卷=“21”,号=“6”,页=“e12165”,关键词=“COPD;电子健康;与健康有关的生活质量;健康知识;病人教育;健康状况;背景:尽管慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者中健康素养较低的患病率相对较高,但对认知和健康素养相关技能的实证关注有限,这些技能可以独特地影响患者与健康相关的生活质量(HRQoL)结果。目的:本研究的目的是研究健康素养、电子健康(eHealth)素养和COPD知识如何与COPD患者的一般和肺特异性HRQoL相关。方法:来自慢阻肺基金会国家研究登记处的成年人(n=174)完成了一项基于网络的横断面调查,评估了社会人口学特征、共病状况、慢阻肺知识、健康素养、电子健康素养和通用/肺特异性HRQoL。 Hierarchical linear regression models were tested to examine the roles of health literacy and eHealth literacy on generic (model 1) and lung-specific (model 2) HRQoL, after accounting for socioeconomic and comorbidity covariates. Spearman rank correlations examined associations between ordinal HRQoL items and statistically significant hierarchical predictor variables. Results: After adjusting for confounding factors, health literacy, eHealth literacy, and COPD knowledge accounted for an additional 9{\%} of variance in generic HRQoL (total adjusted R2=21{\%}; F9,164=6.09, P<.001). Health literacy (b=.08, SE 0.02, 95{\%} CI 0.04-0.12) was the only predictor positively associated with generic HRQoL (P<.001). Adding health literacy, eHealth literacy, and COPD knowledge as predictors explained an additional 7.40{\%} of variance in lung-specific HRQoL (total adjusted R2=26.4{\%}; F8,161=8.59, P<.001). Following adjustment for covariates, both health literacy (b=2.63, SE 0.84, 95{\%} CI 0.96-4.29, P<.001) and eHealth literacy (b=1.41, SE 0.67, 95{\%} CI 0.09-2.73, P<.001) were positively associated with lung-specific HRQoL. Health literacy was positively associated with most lung-specific HRQoL indicators (ie, cough frequency, chest tightness, activity limitation at home, confidence leaving home, sleep quality, and energy level), whereas eHealth literacy was positively associated with 5 of 8 (60{\%}) lung-specific HRQoL indicators. Upon controlling for confounders, COPD knowledge (b=−.56, SE 0.29, 95{\%} CI −1.22 to −0.004, P<.05) was inversely associated with lung-specific HRQoL. Conclusions: Health literacy, but not eHealth literacy, was positively associated with generic HRQoL. However, both health literacy and eHealth literacy were positively associated with lung-specific HRQoL, with higher COPD knowledge indicative of lower lung-specific HRQoL. These results confirm the importance of considering health and eHealth literacy levels when designing patient education programs for people living with COPD. Future research should explore the impact of delivering interventions aimed at improving eHealth and health literacy among patients with COPD, particularly when disease self-management goals are to enhance HRQoL. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/12165", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/6/e12165/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/12165", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31172962" }