@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/11492,作者=“gaup - berghausen, Mailin和Raser, Elisabeth和anayia - boig, Esther和avilla - palencia, Ione和de Nazelle, Audrey和Dons, Evi和Franzen, Helen和Gerike, Regine和G{\"o}tschi, Thomas和Iacorossi, Francesco和H{\"o}ssinger, Reinhard和Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark和Rojas-Rueda, David和Sanchez, Julian和Smeds, Emilia和Deforth, Manja和Standaert, Arnout和Stigell, Erik和科尔- hunter, Tom和Int Panis, Luc”,标题=“不同招聘方法的评估:通过可持续交通方式进行纵向、基于网络的泛欧体育活动(PASTA)项目”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2019”,月=“5”,日=“06”,卷=“21”,数=“5”,页=“e11492”,关键词=“纵向调查;multicentral;基于网络的调查;投机取巧的抽样;招聘;基于网络的调查问卷;背景:足够的样本量和最小的样本偏差是实证数据分析的核心要求。与传统的招聘方式相比,将机会招聘与基于网络的调查和数据收集平台相结合会产生新的好处。目的:本文旨在报道不同招募方法的成功情况,获得参与者特征、参与行为、招募率、样本代表性等数据。 Methods: A longitudinal, Web-based survey was implemented as part of the European PASTA (Physical Activity through Sustainable Transport Approaches) project, between November 2014 and December 2016. During this period, participants were recruited from 7 European cities on a rolling basis. A standardized guide on recruitment strategy was developed for all cities, to reach a sufficient number of adult participants. To make use of the strengths and minimize weakness, a combination of different opportunistic recruitment methods was applied. In addition, the random sampling approach was applied in the city of {\"O}rebro. To reduce the attrition rate and improve real-time monitoring, the Web-based platform featured a participant's and a researchers' user interface and dashboard. Results: Overall, 10,691 participants were recruited; most people found out about the survey through their workplace or employer (2300/10691, 21.51{\%}), outreach promotion (2219/10691, 20.76{\%}), and social media (1859/10691, 17.39{\%}). The average number of questionnaires filled in per participant varied significantly between the cities (P<.001), with the highest number in Zurich (11.0, SE 0.33) and the lowest in {\"O}rebro (4.8, SE 0.17). Collaboration with local organizations, the use of Facebook and mailing lists, and direct street recruitment were the most effective approaches in reaching a high share of participants (P<.001). Considering the invested working hours, Facebook was one of the most time-efficient methods. Compared with the cities' census data, the composition of study participants was broadly representative in terms of gender distribution; however, the study included younger and better-educated participants. Conclusions: We observed that offering a mixed recruitment approach was highly effective in achieving a high participation rate. The highest attrition rate and the lowest average number of questionnaires filled in per participant were observed in {\"O}rebro, which also recruited participants through random sampling. These findings suggest that people who are more interested in the topic are more willing to participate and stay in a survey than those who are selected randomly and may not have a strong connection to the research topic. Although direct face-to-face contacts were very effective with respect to the number of recruited participants, recruiting people through social media was not only effective but also very time efficient. The collected data are based on one of the largest recruited longitudinal samples with a common recruitment strategy in different European cities. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/11492", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/5/e11492/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/11492", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31066715" }