@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/12533,作者="Park, Yu Rang and Lee, Eunsol and Na, Wonjun and Park, sunjun and Lee, Yura and Lee, Jae-Ho",标题="区块链技术适合管理个人健康记录吗?,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2019”,月=“2”,日=“08”,卷=“21”,数=“2”,页数=“e12533”,关键词=“个人健康档案;移动健康;区块链;背景:关于在医疗领域引入区块链的优势有很多观点,但目前还没有发表关于使用区块链技术存储、传播和管理个人健康记录(PHRs)的可行性研究。目的:本研究的目的是调查区块链在医疗领域与私人区块链中的PHRs交易和传播相关的有用性。方法:我们使用以太坊1.8.4版本构建了一个私有的区块链网络,并使用300例患者的去识别的PHRs进行验证。私有区块链网络由1个医院节点和300个患者节点组成。为了验证基于区块链的PHR管理的有效性,在医院和患者节点之间的交易中一次加载PHR,并传播到全网。我们得到并分析了数据在区块链网络上进行交易和传播所需的时间和气体。 For reproducibility, these processes were repeated 100 times. Results: Of 300 patient records, 74 (24.7{\%}) were not loaded in the private blockchain due to the data block size of the transaction block. The remaining 226 individual health records were classified into groups A (80 patients with outpatient visit data less than 1 year old), B (84 patients with outpatient data from between 1 and 3 years before data collection), and C (62 patients with outpatient data 3 to 5 years old). With respect to mean transaction time in the blockchain, C (128.7 seconds) had the shortest time, followed by A (132.2 seconds) and then B (159.0 seconds). The mean propagation times for groups A, B, and C were 1494.2 seconds, 2138.9 seconds, and 4111.4 seconds, respectively; mean file sizes were 5.6 KB, 18.6 KB, and 45.38 KB, respectively. The mean gas consumption values were 1,900,767; 4,224,341; and 4,112,784 for groups A, B, and C, respectively. Conclusions: This study confirms that it is possible to exchange PHR data in a private blockchain network. However, to develop a blockchain-based PHR platform that can be used in practice, many improvements are required, including reductions in data size, improved personal information protection, and reduced operating costs. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/12533", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/2/e12533/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/12533", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30735142" }