@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/15459,作者=“Guetterman, Timothy C和Sakakibara, Rae和Baireddy, Srikar和Kron, Frederick W和Scerbo, Mark W和Cleary, James F和Fetters, Michael D”,标题=“医学生使用虚拟人体模拟提高沟通技巧的经验和结果:混合方法研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2019”,月=“11”,日=“27”,卷=“21”,数=“11”,页=“e15459”,关键词=“癌症;虚拟现实;健康的沟通;interprofessional关系;信息学;非语言沟通;计算机仿真;医生-护士关系;背景:关注广泛的表达共情的沟通行为是减少护理错误、提高患者满意度和改善癌症患者预后的一个重要但经常被忽视的概念。一种基于虚拟人(VH)的模拟MPathic-VR被开发出来,用于培训卫生保健提供者与患者和跨专业环境中的共情沟通,并通过一项随机对照试验进行评估。 Objective: This mixed methods study aimed to investigate the differential effects of a VH-based simulation developed to train health care providers in empathic patient-provider and interprofessional communication. Methods: We employed a mixed methods intervention design, involving a comparison of 2 quantitative measures---MPathic-VR--calculated scores and the objective structured clinical exam (OSCE) scores---with qualitative reflections by medical students about their experiences. This paper is a secondary, focused analysis of intervention arm data from the larger trial. Students at 3 medical schools in the United States (n=206) received simulation to improve empathic communication skills. We conducted analysis of variance, thematic text analysis, and merging mixed methods analysis. Results: OSCE scores were significantly improved for learners in the intervention group (mean 0.806, SD 0.201) compared with the control group (mean 0.752, SD 0.198; F1,414=6.09; P=.01). Qualitative analysis revealed 3 major positive themes for the MPathic-VR group learners: gaining useful communication skills, learning awareness of nonverbal skills in addition to verbal skills, and feeling motivated to learn more about communication. Finally, the results of the mixed methods analysis indicated that most of the variation between high, middle, and lower performers was noted about nonverbal behaviors. Medium and high OSCE scorers most often commented on the importance of nonverbal communication. Themes of motivation to learn about communication were only present in middle and high scorers. Conclusions: VHs are a promising strategy for improving empathic communication in health care. Higher performers seemed most engaged to learn, particularly nonverbal skills. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/15459", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/11/e15459/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/15459", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31774400" }