@文章{info:doi/ 10.21960 /15332,作者="FitzPatrick, Mary Anne and Hess, Alexandra Claudia and Sudbury-Riley, Lynn and Schulz, Peter Johannes",标题="基于决策风格的患者类型学:横向调查研究",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2019",月="11",日="20",卷="21",数="11",页="e15332",关键词="互联网;在线健康信息;耐心决策;patient-practitioner互动;病人段;病人类型学;婴儿潮一代;背景:尽管之前的研究表明,在线健康信息对患者-从业者决策的影响存在很大差异,但需要进行具体的研究来确定和概念化与使用在线健康信息相关的患者决策风格,并根据在线信息对患者决策和与卫生专业人员的互动的影响来区分不同的细分部门。目的:本研究旨在探讨患者在网络健康信息和与医疗保健从业者互动方面的决策。我们还旨在提出一个基于患者决策的显著差异的患者类型学。 Methods: We applied a large-scale cross-sectional research design using a survey. Data, generated using a questionnaire that was administered by companies specializing in providing online panels, were collected from random samples of baby boomers in the United Kingdom, the United States, and New Zealand. The total sample comprised 996 baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964, who had used the internet in the previous 6 months to search for and share health-related information. Data were analyzed using hierarchical cluster analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, as well as one-way analysis of variance, chi-square tests, and paired sample t tests. Results: Analyses identified 3 key decision-making styles that served as the base for 4 unique and stable segments of patients with distinctive decision-making styles: the Collaborators (229/996, 23.0{\%}), the Autonomous-Collaborators (385/996, 38.7{\%}), the Assertive-Collaborators (111/996, 11.1{\%}), and the Passives (271/996, 27.2{\%}). Profiles were further developed for these segments according to key differences in the online health information behavior, demographics, and interactional behaviors of patients. The typology demonstrates that collaborative decision making is dominant among patients either in its pure form or in combination with autonomous or assertive decision making. In other words, most patients (725/996, 72.8{\%}) show significant collaboration in their decision making with health care professionals. However, at times, patients in the combination Autonomous-Collaborative segment prefer to exercise individual autonomy in their decision making, and those in the combination Assertive-Collaborative segment prefer to be assertive with health professionals. Finally, this study shows that a substantial number of patients adopt a distinctly passive decision-making style (271/996, 27.2{\%}). Conclusions: The patient typology provides a framework for distinguishing practice-relevant and addressable segments with important implications for health care practitioners, including better-targeted communication programs for patients and more successful outcomes for health care services in the long term. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/15332", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/11/e15332/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/15332", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31746770" }