@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/13263,作者=“Kruse, Clemens和Betancourt, Jose和Ortiz, Stephanie和Valdes Luna, Susana Melissa和Bamrah, Inderdeep Kaur和Segovia, Narce”,标题=“在改善发展中国家健康结果中使用移动健康的障碍:系统综述”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2019”,月=“10”,日=“9”,卷=“21”,数=“10”,页=“e13263”,关键词=“健康结果;远程医疗;短信;沟通障碍;发展中国家;背景:移动健康(mHealth)技术在世界范围内用于改善人口水平健康结果的应用在过去十年中激增。研究支持使用移动健康应用程序来改善孕产妇和婴儿死亡率、治疗依从性、免疫接种率和传染病预防等健康结果。然而,发展中国家在成功实施、维持和扩大移动卫生倡议以改善弱势群体健康方面面临重大障碍。目的:我们旨在识别和综合使用移动健康技术的障碍,如短信(短消息服务[SMS])、电话和应用程序,以改变并在可能的情况下改善发展中国家人口的健康行为和健康结果。方法:我们遵循系统评价和元分析首选报告项目清单。 Deriving search criteria from the review's primary objective, we searched PubMed and CINAHL using an exhaustive terms search (eg, mHealth, text messaging, and developing countries, with their respective Medical Subject Headings) limited by publication date, English language, and full text. At least two authors thoroughly reviewed each article's abstract to verify the articles were germane to our objective. We then applied filters and conducted consensus meetings to confirm that the articles met the study criteria. Results: Review of 2224 studies resulted in a final group of 30 articles for analysis. mHealth initiatives were used extensively worldwide for applications such as maternal health, prenatal care, infant care, HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment adherence, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and health education. Studies were conducted in several developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. From each article, we recorded the specific health outcome that was improved, mHealth technology used, and barriers to the successful implementation of the intervention in a developing country. The most prominent health outcomes improved with mHealth were infectious diseases and maternal health, accounting for a combined 20/30 (67{\%}) of the total studies in the analysis. The most frequent mHealth technology used was SMS, accounting for 18/30 (60{\%}) of the studies. We identified 73 individual barriers and grouped them into 14 main categories. The top 3 barrier categories were infrastructure, lack of equipment, and technology gap, which together accounted for 28 individual barriers. Conclusions: This systematic review shed light on the most prominent health outcomes that can be improved using mHealth technology interventions in developing countries. The barriers identified will provide leaders of future intervention projects a solid foundation for their design, thus increasing the chances for long-term success. We suggest that, to overcome the top three barriers, project leaders who wish to implement mHealth interventions must establish partnerships with local governments and nongovernmental organizations to secure funding, leadership, and the required infrastructure. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/13263", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/10/e13263", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/13263", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31593543" }