@Article{info:doi/10.2196/10285,作者=“Sezgin, Emre and Weiler, Monica and Weiler, Anthony and Lin, Simon”,标题=“为慢性疾病青少年向自我管理和独立过渡的数字健康解决方案生态系统:探索性定性研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2018”,月=“Sep”,日=“06”,卷=“20”,号=“9”,页=“e10285”,关键词=“慢性疾病;慢性病管理;数字健康;生态系统;定性研究;自我管理;向独立过渡;背景:慢性病管理对青少年慢性病患者及其护理者的生活质量至关重要。然而,目前的文献大多局限于特定的数字健康工具、方法或方法来管理特定的疾病。关于如何使用数字工具支持向独立过渡的指导原则很少。 Considering the physiological, psychological, and environmental changes that teens experience, the issues surrounding the transition to independence are worth investigating to develop a deeper understanding to inform future strategies for digital interventions. Objective: The purpose of this study was to inform the design of digital health solutions by systematically identifying common challenges among teens and caregivers living with chronic diseases. Methods: Chronically ill teens (n=13) and their caregivers (n=13) were interviewed individually and together as a team. Verbal and projective techniques were used to examine teens' and caregivers' concerns in-depth. The recorded and transcribed responses were thematically analyzed to identify and organize the identified patterns. Results: Teens and their caregivers identified 10 challenges and suggested technological solutions. Recognized needs for social support, access to medical education, symptom monitoring, access to health care providers, and medical supply management were the predominant issues. The envisioned ideal transition included a 5-component solution ecosystem in the transition to independence for teens. Conclusions: This novel study systematically summarizes the challenges, barriers, and technological solutions for teens with chronic conditions and their caregivers as teens transition to independence. A new solution ecosystem based on the 10 identified challenges would guide the design of future implementations to test and validate the effectiveness of the proposed 5-component ecosystem. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/10285", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2018/9/e10285/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/10285", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30190253" }