@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。9044,作者=“John, Ann and Glendenning, Alexander Charles and Marchant, Amanda and Montgomery, Paul and Stewart, Anne and Wood, Sophie and Lloyd, Keith and Hawton, Keith”,标题=“儿童和年轻人中的自我伤害,自杀行为和网络暴力:系统评价”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2018”,月=“Apr”,日=“19”,卷=“20”,数=“4”,页=“e129”,关键词=“网络暴力;欺凌;有自伤行为;自杀;自杀未遂;背景:考虑到人们对儿童和年轻人通过电子通信欺凌行为及其可能导致自残的担忧,我们回顾了儿童和年轻人参与网络欺凌与自残或自杀行为(如自杀意念、自杀计划和自杀企图)之间的关联的证据。目的:本研究的目的是系统地回顾当前调查儿童和年轻人(25岁以下)中网络欺凌受害者或施害者与自残和自杀行为之间关系的证据,并在可能的情况下对这些关系的数据进行元分析。方法:对1996年1月1日至2017年2月3日期间发表的所有研究进行电子文献检索,检索来源包括MEDLINE、Cochrane和PsycINFO。如果该研究检查了网络暴力参与与自残或自杀行为之间的任何关联,并报告了25岁以下样本的经验数据,则会纳入文章。 Quality of included papers was assessed and data were extracted. Meta-analyses of data were conducted. Results: A total of 33 eligible articles from 26 independent studies were included, covering a population of 156,384 children and young people. A total of 25 articles (20 independent studies, n=115,056) identified associations (negative influences) between cybervictimization and self-harm or suicidal behaviors or between perpetrating cyberbullying and suicidal behaviors. Three additional studies, in which the cyberbullying, self-harm, or suicidal behaviors measures had been combined with other measures (such as traditional bullying and mental health problems), also showed negative influences (n=44,526). A total of 5 studies showed no significant associations (n=5646). Meta-analyses, producing odds ratios (ORs) as a summary measure of effect size (eg, ratio of the odds of cyber victims who have experienced SH vs nonvictims who have experienced SH), showed that, compared with nonvictims, those who have experienced cybervictimization were OR 2.35 (95{\%} CI 1.65-3.34) times as likely to self-harm, OR 2.10 (95{\%} CI 1.73-2.55) times as likely to exhibit suicidal behaviors, OR 2.57 (95{\%} CI 1.69-3.90) times more likely to attempt suicide, and OR 2.15 (95{\%} CI 1.70-2.71) times more likely to have suicidal thoughts. Cyberbullying perpetrators were OR 1.21 (95{\%} CI 1.02-1.44) times more likely to exhibit suicidal behaviors and OR 1.23 (95{\%} CI 1.10-1.37) times more likely to experience suicidal ideation than nonperpetrators. Conclusions: Victims of cyberbullying are at a greater risk than nonvictims of both self-harm and suicidal behaviors. To a lesser extent, perpetrators of cyberbullying are at risk of suicidal behaviors and suicidal ideation when compared with nonperpetrators. Policy makers and schools should prioritize the inclusion of cyberbullying involvement in programs to prevent traditional bullying. Type of cyberbullying involvement, frequency, and gender should be assessed in future studies. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.9044", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2018/4/e129/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.9044", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29674305" }