@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。8056,作者=“Maben-Feaster, Rosalyn E和Stansfield, R Brent和Opipari, AnneMarie和Hammoud, Maya M”,标题=“在妇产科学术诊所的Twitter上评估患者对提供者专业精神的看法:患者调查”,期刊=“J医学互联网研究”,年=“2018”,月=“3”,日=“12”,卷=“20”,数=“3”,页=“e78”,关键词=“患者;社交网站;专业;调查和问卷;知觉;背景:三分之一的美国人使用社交媒体网站作为医疗保健信息的来源。Twitter是一个微博网站,允许用户在网上发布280个字符的帖子或推文,它正在成为一个重要的医疗保健社交媒体平台。然而,社交媒体上的大多数医疗专业指南都是基于专家意见。目的:本研究旨在研究提供者推特上带有教育性推文的简介是否被视为比带有个人推文或两者混合的简介更专业,并确定提供者性别对学术妇产科诊所的专业观念的影响。 Methods: This study randomized obstetrics and gynecology patients at the University of Michigan Von Voigtlander Clinic to view one of six medical provider Twitter profiles, which differed in provider gender and the nature of tweets. Each participant answered 10 questions about their perception of the provider's professionalism based on the Twitter profile content. Results: The provider profiles with educational tweets alone received higher mean professionalism scores than profiles with personal tweets. Specifically, the female and male provider profiles with exclusively educational tweets had the highest and second highest overall mean professionalism ratings at 4.24 and 3.85, respectively. In addition, the female provider profiles received higher mean professionalism ratings than male provider profiles with the same content. The female profile with mixed content received a mean professionalism rating of 3.38 compared to 3.24 for the male mixed-content profile, and the female profile with only personal content received a mean professionalism rating of 3.68 compared to 2.68 for the exclusively personal male provider profile. Conclusions: This study showed that in our obstetrics and gynecology clinic, patients perceived providers with educational profiles as more professional than those with a mixture of educational and personal tweets or only personal tweets. It also showed that our patient population perceived the female provider with educational tweets to be the most professional. This study will help inform the development of evidence-based guidelines for social media use in medicine as it adds to the growing body of literature examining professionalism and social media. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.8056", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2018/3/e78/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.8056", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29530838" }