@文章{info:doi/ 10.296 /11093,作者="Kay, Melissa C和Burroughs, Jasmine和Askew, Sandy和Bennett, Gary G和Armstrong, Sarah和Steinberg, Dori M",标题="对正在接受肥胖症治疗的儿童的父母进行数字减肥干预:一项前瞻性队列可行性试验",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2018",月="12",日="20",体积="20",数字="12",页数="e11093",关键词="肥胖;父母;孩子;数字化减肥干预;自我监控;重量;背景:儿童肥胖的患病率持续上升,而基于临床的治疗方案未能证明有效性。父母的体重是孩子体重最有力的预测因素之一。父母对减肥的治疗可能会间接减少孩子的肥胖。我们之前已经证明了全自动、循证数字减肥干预(Track)在成年人中的有效性。 However, it is unknown if it is feasible to deliver such a treatment directly to parents with obesity who bring their child with obesity to a weight management clinic for treatment. Objective: The objective of our study was to evaluate the feasibility of and engagement with a digital weight loss intervention among parents of children receiving treatment for obesity. Methods: We conducted a 6-month pre-post feasibility trial among parents or guardians and their children aged 4-16 years presenting for tertiary care obesity treatment. Along with the standard family-based treatment protocol, parents received a 6-month digital weight loss intervention, which included weekly monitoring of personalized behavior change goals via mobile technologies. We examined levels of engagement by tracking completed weeks of self-monitoring and feasibility by assessing change in weight. Results: Participants (N=48) were on average 39 years old, mostly female (35/42, 82{\%} ), non-Hispanic Black individuals (21/41, 51{\%}) with obesity (36/48, 75{\%}). Over a quarter had a yearly household income of