@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir.1.1。e1,作者="Hern{\'a} dez- borges, Angel a和Mac{\'i}as-Cervi, Pablo和Gaspar-Guardado, Mar{\'i}a Asunci{\'o}n和DeArcaya, Mar{\'i}a Luisa Torres-{\' a} lvarez和Ruiz-Rabaza, Ana和Jim{\'e}nez-Sosa, Alejandro",标题=" WWW使用统计数据和其他间接质量指标能否帮助区分医疗网站的相对质量?",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="1999",月=" 8 ",日="11",卷="1",数="1",页="e1",关键词="健康教育;信息系统;计算机通信网络;互联网;文献计量学;Cybermetrics;Web标准;背景:互联网提供了大量与健康相关的网站,但人们对它们的可靠性提出了担忧。为了帮助网民区分不同质量的网站资源,已经提出了多种主观评价标准和网站评级体系,但其有效性尚未得到验证。 Objective: To evaluate the agreement of a subset of Internet rating systems editorial boards regarding their evaluations of a sample of pediatric websites. To evaluate certain websites characteristics as possible quality indicators for pediatric websites. Methods: Comparative survey of the results of systematic evaluations of the contents and formal aspects of a sample of pediatric websites, with the number of daily visits to those websites, the time since their last update, the impact factor of their authors or editors, and the number of websites linked to them. Results: 363 websites were compiled from eight rating systems. Only 25 were indexed and evaluated by at least two rating systems. This subset included more updated and more linked websites. There was no correlation among the results of the evaluation of these 25 websites by the rating systems. The number of inbound links to the websites significantly correlated with their updating frequency (p<.001), with the number of daily visits (p=.005), and with the results of their evaluation by the largest rating system, HealthAtoZ (p<.001). The websites updating frequency also significantly correlated with the results of the websites evaluation by HealthAtoZ, both about their contents (p=.001) and their total values (p<.05). The number of daily visits significantly correlated (p<.05) with the results of the evaluations by Medical Matrix. Conclusions: Some websites characteristics as the number of daily visits, their updating frequency and, overall, the number of websites linked to them, correlate with their evaluation by some of the largest rating systems on the Internet, what means that certain indexes obtained from the usage analysis of pediatric websites could be used as quality indicators. On the other hand, the citation analysis on the Web by the quantification of inbound links to medical websites could be an objective and feasible tool in rating great amounts of websites. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1.1.e1", url="//www.mybigtv.com/1999/1/e1/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1.1.e1", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11720910" }