@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。7266,作者="Lanssens, Dorien and Vandenberk, Thijs and Thijs, Inge M and Grieten, Lars and Gyselaers, Wilfried",标题="远程监护在产科中的有效性:范围综述",期刊="J医学互联网研究",年="2017",月="Sep",日="27",卷="19",数="9",页数="e327",关键词="综述;远程控制;妇产科;母亲的结果;背景:尽管在各种医疗保健领域报道了远程监测有效性的积极结果,但这种新技术很少用于产前护理。过去几年进行了一些孤立的调查,但结果相互矛盾。目的:本综述的目的是(1)评估远程监护是否为这一患者群体增加了任何实质性的好处;(2)确定这一领域的研究差距,为未来的研究提出目标。方法:本综述包括探讨孕妇远程监测干预的有效性的研究,以英语报道。由于这一领域的研究较少,因此选取了所有的报告,包括不受控的非随机和随机对照研究。 Results: Fourteen studies, which performed their data collection from 1988 to 2010, met the inclusion criteria and were published from 1995 to present; four of the 14 published papers were multicenter randomized controlled trials (RCTs), five papers were single-center RCTs, three papers were retrospective studies, one paper was an observational study, and one paper was a qualitative study. Of the 14 papers, nine were available for a risk of bias assessment: three papers were classified as low risk, one as medium risk, and five as high risk. Furthermore, of those 14 papers, 13 focused on telemonitoring for maternal outcomes, and nine of the 14 papers focused on telemonitoring for fetal or neonatal outcomes. The studies reviewed report that telemonitoring can contribute to significant reductions in health care costs, (unscheduled) face-to-face visits, low neonatal birth weight, and admissions to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), as well as prolonged gestational age and improved feelings of maternal satisfaction when compared with a control group. When only studies with low risk of bias were taken into account, the added value of telemonitoring became less pronounced: the only added value of telemonitoring is for pregnant women who transmitted their uterine activity by telecommunication. They had significant prolonged pregnancy survivals, and the newborns were less likely to be of low birth weight or to be admitted to the NICU. Following these results, telemonitoring can only be recommended by pregnant women at risk for preterm delivery. It is however important to consider that these studies were published in the mid-90s, which limits their direct applicability given the current technologies and practice. Conclusions: This review shows that telemonitoring can be tentatively recommended for pregnant women at risk for preterm delivery. More recent RCTs with a blinded protocol are needed to strengthen the level of evidence around this topic and to have an insight in the added value of the technologies that are available nowadays. In addition, studies investigating patient satisfaction and economic effects in relation to telemonitoring are suggested for future research. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.7266", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2017/9/e327/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7266", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28954715" }