@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。7673,作者="Chen, Annie T and Carriere, Rachel M and Kaplan, Samantha Jan",标题="用户知道怎么叫它:通过用户贡献标签在参与式健康管理平台上整合患者的声音",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2017",月="Sep",日="07",卷="19",号="9",页="e292",关键词="协同标签;大众分类法;知识组织;自我管理;身体听;背景:身体倾听,被描述为关注身体信号和线索的行为,可以是长期健康管理的重要组成部分。目的:本研究的目的是介绍和评估身体倾听项目,这是一项创新的努力,旨在让公众参与公共资源的创建——利用健康领域的集体智慧。这个项目包括一个网站,人们可以在那里分享他们关于身体倾听和自我管理的经验,并与他人对话。本文对所贡献的标签进行了分析,重点是这些标签在知识组织和纳入对消费者友好的健康信息检索系统方面的价值。 Methods: First, we performed content analysis of the tags contributed, identifying a set of categories and refining the relational structure of the categories to develop a preliminary classification scheme, the Body Listening and Self-Management Taxonomy. Second, we compared the concepts in the Body Listening and Self-Management Taxonomy with concepts that were automatically identified from an extant health knowledge resource, the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), to better characterize the information that participants contributed. Third, we employed visualization techniques to explore the concept space of the tags. A correlation matrix, based on the extent to which categories tended to be assigned to the same tags, was used to study the interrelatedness of the taxonomy categories. Then a network visualization was used to investigate structural relationships among the categories in the taxonomy. Results: First, we proposed a taxonomy called the Body Listening and Self-Management Taxonomy, with four meta-level categories: (1) health management strategies, (2) concepts and states, (3) influencers, and (4) health-related information behavior. This taxonomy could inform future efforts to organize knowledge and content of this subject matter. Second, we compared the categories from this taxonomy with the UMLS concepts that were identified. Though the UMLS offers benefits such as speed and breadth of coverage, the Body Listening and Self-Management Taxonomy is more consumer-centric. Third, the correlation matrix and network visualization demonstrated that there are natural areas of ambiguity and semantic relatedness in the meanings of the concepts in the Body Listening and Self-Management Taxonomy. Use of these visualizations can be helpful in practice settings, to help library and information science practitioners understand and resolve potential challenges in classification; in research, to characterize the structure of the conceptual space of health management; and in the development of consumer-centric health information retrieval systems. Conclusions: A participatory platform can be employed to collect data concerning patient experiences of health management, which can in turn be used to develop new health knowledge resources or augment existing ones, as well as be incorporated into consumer-centric health information systems. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.7673", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2017/9/e292/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7673", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28882809" }