@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。6874,作者=“文董张,刘兴婷,雷兴宇,建波”,标题=“评估当前主流可穿戴设备在健康监测中的一致性:自由生活条件下的比较”,期刊=“J医学互联网研究”,年=“2017”,月=“3”,日=“07”,卷=“19”,数=“3”,页数=“e68”,关键词=“健身追踪器;监控、生理;汽车活动;日常生活活动;背景:可穿戴设备正获得越来越多的市场关注;然而,这些设备的监测准确性和一致性仍然未知。目的:本研究旨在评估最新可穿戴设备在正常活动状态下的监测测量的一致性,为行业提供建议,为消费者做出购买选择提供支持。方法:选取10件具有代表性的可穿戴设备(2块中国品牌或国外品牌的智能手表、4个智能手环、4个手机app),让5名受试者同时使用所有设备和app。从这些设备上连续5天获取完整的健康监测数据,分析不同设备监测测量值$\null$$\null$的差异程度和关系。 Results: The daily measurements by the different devices fluctuated greatly, and the coefficient of variation (CV) fluctuated in the range of 2-38{\%} for the number of steps, 5-30{\%} for distance, 19-112{\%} for activity duration, .1-17{\%} for total energy expenditure (EE), 22-100{\%} for activity EE, 2-44{\%} for sleep duration, and 35-117{\%} for deep sleep duration. After integrating the measurement data of 25 days among the devices, the measurements of the number of steps (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC=.89) and distance (ICC=.84) displayed excellent consistencies, followed by those of activity duration (ICC=.59) and the total EE (ICC=.59) and activity EE (ICC=.57). However, the measurements for sleep duration (ICC=.30) and deep sleep duration (ICC=.27) were poor. For most devices, there was a strong correlation between the number of steps and distance measurements (R2>.95), and for some devices, there was a strong correlation between activity duration measurements and EE measurements (R2>.7). A strong correlation was observed in the measurements of steps, distance and EE from smart watches and mobile phones of the same brand, Apple or Samsung (r>.88). Conclusions: Although wearable devices are developing rapidly, the current mainstream devices are only reliable in measuring the number of steps and distance, which can be used as health assessment indicators. However, the measurement consistencies of activity duration, EE, sleep quality, and so on, are still inadequate, which require further investigation and improved algorithms. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.6874", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2017/3/e68/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6874", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28270382" }