@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。5802,作者=“Zhang, Zhu and Zheng, xiaong and Zeng, Daniel Dajun and Leischow, Scott J”,标题=“使用搜索查询监视跟踪Dabbing:以美国为例”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2016”,月=“Sep”,日=“16”,卷=“18”,号=“9”,页=“e252”,关键词=“大麻;信息寻求行为;监测;搜索引擎;时间序列分析;背景:吸食大麻是一种新兴的吸食大麻的方法。然而,由于监测数据有限,人们对点滴疗法知之甚少。目的:本研究的目的是分析谷歌搜索数据,以评估dabbing信息搜索的范围和广度。方法:通过使用“dab rig”等相关搜索词,收集2004年1月至2015年12月美国地区有关电子烟及相关主题(如电子尼古丁传递系统[ENDS],也称电子烟)的Google Trends数据。'' The correlation between dabbing (including topics: dab and hash oil) and ENDS (including topics: vaping and e-cigarette) searches, the regional distribution of dabbing searches, and the impact of cannabis legalization policies on geographical location in 2015 were analyzed. Results: Searches regarding dabbing increased in the United States over time, with 1,526,280 estimated searches during 2015. Searches for dab and vaping have very similar temporal patterns, where the Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) is .992 (P<.001). Similar phenomena were also obtained in searches for hash oil and e-cigarette, in which the corresponding PCC is .931 (P<.001). Dabbing information was searched more in some western states than other regions. The average dabbing searches were significantly higher in the states with medical and recreational marijuana legalization than in the states with only medical marijuana legalization (P=.02) or the states without medical and recreational marijuana legalization (P=.01). Conclusions: Public interest in dabbing is increasing in the United States. There are close associations between dabbing and ENDS searches. The findings suggest greater popularity of dabs in the states that legalized medical and recreational marijuana use. This study proposes a novel and timely way of cannabis surveillance, and these findings can help enhance the understanding of the popularity of dabbing and provide insights for future research and informed policy making on dabbing. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.5802", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2016/9/e252/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.5802", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27637361" }