@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。5811,作者=“Hand, Rosa K和Kenne, Deric和Wolfram, Taylor M和Abram, Jenica K和Fleming, Michael”,标题=“通过Twitter消息和健康专业人员访谈的内容分析评估社交媒体传播循证营养实践指南的可行性:一项观察性研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2016”,月=“11”,日=“15”,量=“18”,数=“11”,页=“e295”,关键词=“社交媒体;信息传播;医学营养疗法;循证医学;背景:鉴于社交媒体使用的高度渗透,社交媒体已被提出作为一种向卫生专业人员和患者传播信息的方法。本研究探讨了心力衰竭(HF)营养与饮食学会循证营养实践指南(EBNPG)在社交媒体上传播的潜力。目的:目的是(1)描述现有的心衰社交媒体内容,包括消息内容、来源和目标受众;(2)描述护理门诊心衰患者的医生和注册营养师(rdn)对使用社交媒体为自己获取信息并与患者分享信息的态度。方法:方法分为两部分。第一部分涉及对HF相关推文进行内容分析,这些推文从Twitonomy下载,并为消息内容(19个代码)、源(9个代码)和目标受众(9个代码)分配了代码; code frequency was described. A comparison in the popularity of tweets (those marked as favorites or retweeted) based on applied codes was made using t tests. Part 2 involved conducting phone interviews with RDNs and physicians to describe health professionals' attitude toward the use of social media to communicate general health information and information specifically related to the HF EBNPG. Interviews were transcribed and coded; exemplar quotes representing frequent themes are presented. Results: The sample included 294 original tweets with the hashtag ``{\#}heartfailure.'' The most frequent message content codes were ``HF awareness'' (166/294, 56.5{\%}) and ``patient support'' (97/294, 33.0{\%}). The most frequent source codes were ``professional, government, patient advocacy organization, or charity'' (112/277, 40.4{\%}) and ``patient or family'' (105/277, 37.9{\%}). The most frequent target audience codes were ``unable to identify'' (111/277, 40.1{\%}) and ``other'' (55/277, 19.9{\%}). Significant differences were found in the popularity of tweets with (mean 1, SD 1.3 favorites) or without (mean 0.7, SD 1.3 favorites), the content code being ``HF research'' (P=.049). Tweets with the source code ``professional, government, patient advocacy organizations, or charities'' were significantly more likely to be marked as a favorite and retweeted than those without this source code (mean 1.2, SD 1.4 vs mean 0.8, SD 1.2, P=.03) and (mean 1.5, SD 1.8 vs mean 0.9, SD 2.0, P=.03). Interview participants believed that social media was a useful way to gather professional information. They did not believe that social media was useful for communicating with patients due to privacy concerns and the fact that the information had to be kept general rather than be tailored for a specific patient and the belief that their patients did not use social media or technology. Conclusions: Existing Twitter content related to HF comes from a combination of patients and evidence-based organizations; however, there is little nutrition content. That gap may present an opportunity for EBNPG dissemination. Health professionals use social media to gather information for themselves but are skeptical of its value when communicating with patients, particularly due to privacy concerns and misconceptions about the characteristics of social media users. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.5811", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2016/11/e295/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.5811", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27847349" }