@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。4415,作者=“Shaer, Orit和Nov, Oded和Okerlund, Johanna和Balestra, Martina和Stowell, Elizabeth和Ascher, Laura和Bi, Joanna和Schlenker, Claire和Ball, Madeleine”,标题=“通知直接面向消费者的交互式个人基因组学报告的设计”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2015”,月=“Jun”,日=“12”,卷=“17”,数=“6”,页=“e146”,关键词=“基因组学;基因检测;交互式可视化;个人电子健康记录;背景:近年来,寻求直接面向消费者基因检测服务的人们越来越多地面临着前所未有的个人基因组信息,这些信息会影响他们的决策、情绪状态和健康。然而,这些直接面向消费者的基因服务的用户,他们的教育程度和兴趣各不相同,往往缺乏相关的经验或工具来理解、推理和与他们的个人基因组数据进行交互。在线交互技术可以在使个人基因组数据对这些用户有用方面发挥核心作用。目的:我们试图(1)识别不同用户的需求,因为他们理解他们的个人基因组数据,(2)因此开发有效的交互式基因组特征数据可视化来满足这些用户的需求,(3)评估开发的可视化在促进理解方面的有效性。方法:前两项用户研究分别由个人基因组计划的63名志愿者和36名参加设计研讨会的个人基因组用户进行,采用调查和访谈来确定不同用户的需求和期望。 Building on the two initial studies, the third study was conducted with 730 Amazon Mechanical Turk users and employed a controlled experimental design to examine the effectiveness of different design interventions on user comprehension. Results: The first two studies identified searching, comparing, sharing, and organizing data as fundamental to users' understanding of personal genomic data. The third study demonstrated that interactive and visual design interventions could improve the understandability of personal genomic reports for consumers. In particular, results showed that a new interactive bubble chart visualization designed for the study resulted in the highest comprehension scores, as well as the highest perceived comprehension scores. These scores were significantly higher than scores received using the industry standard tabular reports currently used for communicating personal genomic information. Conclusions: Drawing on multiple research methods and populations, the findings of the studies reported in this paper offer deep understanding of users' needs and practices, and demonstrate that interactive online design interventions can improve the understandability of personal genomic reports for consumers. We discuss implications for designers and researchers. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.4415", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2015/6/e146/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.4415", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26070951" }