@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。4333,作者="Laugesen, John and Hassanein, Khaled and Yuan, Yufei",标题="网络健康信息对患者依从性的影响:一个研究模型和实证研究",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2015",月="Jun",日="11",卷="17",数="6",页数="e143",关键词="网络健康信息;信息不对称;病人的依从性;澄清的一致性;医生质量;背景:患者越来越多地寻求和使用互联网健康信息,以便与他们的医生合作,更积极地管理自己的健康。这种趋势对患者和医生之间的互动既有积极的影响,也有消极的影响。因此,了解越来越多使用互联网健康信息对医患关系和患者对其治疗方案的依从性的影响是很重要的。目的:本研究通过基于委托代理理论和信息不对称视角的理论模型,探讨了患者使用互联网健康信息对患者与医生之间互动的各个要素的影响。 Methods: A survey-based study consisting of 225 participants was used to validate a model through various statistical techniques. A full assessment of the measurement model and structural model was completed in addition to relevant post hoc analyses. Results: This research revealed that both patient-physician concordance and perceived information asymmetry have significant effects on patient compliance, with patient-physician concordance exhibiting a considerably stronger relationship. Additionally, both physician quality and Internet health information quality have significant effects on patient-physician concordance, with physician quality exhibiting a much stronger relationship. Finally, only physician quality was found to have a significant impact on perceived information asymmetry, whereas Internet health information quality had no impact on perceived information asymmetry. Conclusions: Overall, this study found that physicians can relax regarding their fears concerning patient use of Internet health information because physician quality has the greatest impact on patients and their physician coming to an agreement on their medical situation and recommended treatment regimen as well as patient's compliance with their physician's advice when compared to the impact that Internet health information quality has on these same variables. The findings also indicate that agreement between the patient and physician on the medical situation and treatment is much more important to compliance than the perceived information gap between the patient and physician (ie, the physician having a higher level of information in comparison to the patient). In addition, the level of agreement between a patient and their physician regarding the medical situation is more reliant on the perceived quality of their physician than on the perceived quality of Internet health information used. This research found that only the perceived quality of the physician has a significant relationship with the perceived information gap between the patient and their physician and the quality of the Internet health information has no relationship with this perceived information gap. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.4333", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2015/6/e143/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.4333", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26068214" }