@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。3692,作者=“Yonker, Lael M和Zan, Shiyi和Scirica, Christina V和Jethwani, Kamal和Kinane, T Bernard”,标题=“‘交友’青少年:社交媒体在青少年和青年健康保健中的系统回顾”,期刊=“J医学互联网研究”,年=“2015”,月=“Jan”,日=“05”,卷=“17”,数=“1”,页=“e4”,关键词=“社交媒体;社交网站;青少年;年轻的成年人;背景:社交媒体已经成为青少年和年轻人就其健康选择进行交流的潜在强大媒介。目的:本系统综述的目标是确定关于使用社交媒体与青少年互动以实现积极健康结果的研究。方法:在2002年1月1日至2013年10月1日期间,对MEDLINE/PubMed电子数据库进行搜索,使用术语来确定社交媒体和其他Web 2.0技术是重要特征的同行评审研究。我们采用系统的方法检索论文和提取相关数据。结果:我们确定了288项涉及社交媒体的研究,其中87项符合纳入标准; 75 studies were purely observational and 12 were interventional. The ways in which social media was leveraged by these studies included (1) observing adolescent and young adult behavior (n=77), (2) providing health information (n=13), (3) engaging the adolescent and young adult community (n=17), and (4) recruiting research participants (n=23). Common health topics addressed included high-risk sexual behaviors (n=23), alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use (n=19), Internet safety (n=8), mental health issues (n=18), medical conditions (n=11), or other specified issues (n=12). Several studies used more than one social media platform and addressed more than one health-related topic. Conclusions: Social media technologies offer an exciting new means for engaging and communicating with adolescents and young adults; it has been successfully used to engage this age group, identify behaviors, and provide appropriate intervention and education. Nevertheless, the majority of studies to date have been preliminary and limited in their methodologies, and mostly center around evaluating how adolescents and young adults use social media and the resulting implications on their health. Although these explorations are essential, further exploration and development of these strategies into building effective interventions is necessary. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.3692", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2015/1/e4/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3692", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25560751" }