@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。4233,作者=“弗罗迪亚斯,瓦伦丁和德·查泽隆,英格丽德和泽霍尼,奥尔曼和布德瑟尔,乔丹和贝格,洛朗和布蒂埃,勒诺和L{\'e}维耶,克里斯特尔和略尔卡,皮埃尔·米歇尔和布鲁斯,乔治”,标题=“通过社交网站防止酗酒:两年生态方法的首次评估”,期刊=“J医学互联网研究”,年=“2015”,月=“12”,日=“10”,卷=“17”,数=“12”,页=“e278”,关键词=“社交网络;一级预防;饮酒;背景:在年轻人中减少酒精使用/消费的预防战略对于减少酒精相关死亡和预防疾病至关重要。本文重点研究了一个针对年轻人的社交网站(SNS)酒精预防方案的有效性。目的:我们假设该项目将减少参与者在酒精和节日时刻之间的关系,并将导致他们在项目期间的节日时刻宣布的酒精消费量的减少。我们还探讨了与预防项目的互动是最有效的。方法:采用2年3次摇号的方式进行预防。参与者定期收到预防信息,特别是关于饮酒和节日的信息(例如,Facebook上的视频和手机上的短消息)。 For the 3 periods, the participants had to answer questions exploring the level of their belief that alcohol consumption and festive moments are highly associated. A control group that did not participate in the prevention program was asked the same questions over the same number of days for the first 2 periods. During the second period, the participants were asked to answer questions about their alcohol consumption during parties. During the third period, we explored the interaction with the prevention program on the reduction of their belief that alcohol consumption and festive moments are associated. Results: A total of 651 participants (age: mean 22.24, SD 4.10 years; women: n=430) during the first period, 301 participants (age: mean 21.27, SD 3.07 years; women n=199) during the second period, and 305 (age: mean 22.41, SD 4.65 years; women: n=190) during the third period correctly completed the survey. For the control group, 69 students completed the survey during the first period (age: mean 18.93, SD 1.14 years; women: n=59) and 50 during the second (age: mean 20.78, SD 1.94 years; women: n=45). We observed a significant reduction in the association of alcohol with festive moments in the participants over the 2 years (period 1: z=--4.80, P<.001; period 2: z=--2.11, P=.04; period 3: z=--2.30; P=.02), but not in the controls. We also observed a reduction in the number of glasses consumed during festive moments for the participants (z=--2.36, P=.02), but not for the controls during the second period. The third period showed that only the number of days since registration in the program had an impact on the reduction of the association of festive moments and alcohol consumption (t21=3.186, P=.005). Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that the SNS prevention program is promising in preventing the association of alcohol with festive moments and, more generally, in impacting social norms. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.4233", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2015/12/e278/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.4233", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26681577" }