@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。2895,作者=“Witteman, Holly O和fuhrell - forbis, Andrea和Wijeysundera, Harindra C和Exe, Nicole和Dickson, Mark和Holtzman, Lisa和Kahn, Valerie C和zikmun - fisher, Brian J”,标题=“风险图形中的动画随机,阿瓦塔,运动和个性化”,期刊=“J医学互联网Res”,年=“2014”,月=“Mar”,日=“18”,卷=“16”,数字=“3”,页=“e80”,关键词=“风险图形;健康的沟通;心血管疾病;动画;《阿凡达》;象形文字;背景:风险沟通涉及传达关于风险本质的两个固有的困难概念:结果的潜在随机分布和基于人群的比例如何适用于个人。目的:本研究的目的是测试图标数组中的4个设计因素——风险事件的动画随机分散、代表个人的头像、个性化(可操作为选择头像的颜色)和移动的头像——是否有助于传达随机性以及给定风险如何应用于个人,从而更好地将风险感知与风险估计结合起来。方法:3630名既往无心脏病或中风的成年人完成了一项在线嵌套阶乘实验,在该实验中,他们将个人健康数据输入风险计算器,根据一个可靠的验证模型估计心血管疾病的10年风险。 We randomly assigned them to view their results in 1 of 10 risk graphics that used different combinations of the 4 design factors. We measured participants' risk perceptions as our primary outcome, as well as behavioral intentions and recall of the risk estimate. We also assessed subjective numeracy, whether or not participants knew anyone who had died of cardiovascular causes, and whether or not they knew their blood pressure and cholesterol as potential moderators. Results: Animated randomness was associated with better alignment between risk estimates and risk perceptions (F1,3576=6.12, P=.01); however, it also led to lower scores on healthy lifestyle intentions (F1,3572=11.1, P<.001). Using an avatar increased risk perceptions overall (F1,3576=4.61, P=.03) and most significantly increased risk perceptions among those who did not know a particular person who had experienced the grave outcomes of cardiovascular disease (F1,3576=5.88, P=.02). Using an avatar also better aligned actual risk estimates with intentions to see a doctor (F1,3556=6.38, P=.01). No design factors had main effects on recall, but animated randomness was associated with better recall for those at lower risk and worse recall for those at higher risk (F1,3544=7.06, P=.01). Conclusions: Animated randomness may help people better understand the random nature of risk. However, in the context of cardiovascular risk, such understanding may result in lower healthy lifestyle intentions. Therefore, whether or not to display randomness may depend on whether one's goal is to persuade or to inform. Avatars show promise for helping people grasp how population-based statistics map to an individual case. ", issn="14388871", doi="10.2196/jmir.2895", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2014/3/e80/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2895", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24642037" }