@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。2798,作者="Masalski, Marcin and Grysi{\'{n}}ski, Tomasz and Kr{\k{e}}cicki, Tomasz",标题="基于web的听力测试的生物校准:方法评价",期刊="医学互联网研究",年="2014",月="1",日="15",量="16",数="1",页数="e11",关键词="纯音测听;计算机辅助教学;背景:在家庭环境中用个人电脑(PC)进行的在线听力测试需要事先校准。生物校准包括通过听力正常的人的听力阈值来接近参考声音水平。目的:本研究的目的是确定所提出的生物校准方法的误差,其持续时间,以及通过PC进行这些测试的主观难度。方法:提出了7种校准系数的测量方法。所有测量均参照听力正常的人的听力阈值进行。在此基础上,提出了三种确定基准声级的方法。比较了方法的估计误差、持续时间和校准的难度。 Web-based self-assessed measurements of the calibration coefficients were carried out in 3 series: (1) at a otolaryngology clinic, (2) at the participant's home, and (3) again at the clinic. Additionally, in series 1 and 3, pure-tone audiometry was conducted and series 3 was followed by an offline questionnaire concerning the difficulty of the calibration. Participants were recruited offline from coworkers of the Department and Clinic of Otolaryngology, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland. Results: All 25 participants, aged 22-35 years (median 27) completed all tests and filled in the questionnaire. The smallest standard deviation of the calibration coefficient in the test-retest measurement was obtained at the level of 3.87 dB (95{\%} CI 3.52-4.29) for the modulated signal presented in accordance with the rules of Bekesy's audiometry. The method is characterized by moderate duration time and a relatively simple procedure. The simplest and shortest method was the method of self-adjustment of the sound volume to the barely audible level. In the test-retest measurement, the deviation of this method equaled 4.97 dB (95{\%} CI 4.53-5.51). Among methods determining the reference sound level, the levels determined independently for each frequency revealed the smallest error. The estimated standard deviations of the difference in the hearing threshold between the examination conducted on a biologically calibrated PC and pure-tone audiometry varied from 7.27 dB (95{\%} CI 6.71-7.93) to 10.38 dB (95{\%} CI 9.11-12.03), depending on the calibration method. Conclusions: In this study, an analysis of biological calibration was performed and the presented results included calibration error, calibration time, and calibration difficulty. These values determine potential applications of Web-based hearing tests conducted in home settings and are decisive factors when selecting the calibration method. If there are no substantial time limitations, it is advisable to use Bekesy method and determine the reference sound level independently at each frequency because this approach is characterized by the lowest error. ", issn="14388871", doi="10.2196/jmir.2798", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2014/1/e11/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2798", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24429353" }