@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。2290,作者=“高,Xiaoli和Hamzah, SH和Yiu, Cynthia Kar Yung和McGrath, Colman和King, Nigel M”,标题=“儿童和青少年的牙科恐惧和焦虑:使用YouTube的定性研究”,期刊=“J医学互联网研究”,年=“2013”,月=“2月”,日=“22”,卷=“15”,数=“2”,页=“e29”,关键词=“牙科恐惧;牙科焦虑;孩子;青少年;定性研究;背景:牙科恐惧和焦虑(DFA)是指人们对去看牙医的恐惧和焦虑。它在儿童和青少年中存在相当大的比例,是儿科牙科实践中的一个主要困境。视频分享网站YouTube作为越来越受欢迎的互联网社交媒体,为了解公众的健康行为和看法提供了有用的数据来源。目的:本定性研究以YouTube为平台,从公众的角度探讨儿童青少年DFA的表现、影响和来源。 Methods: To retrieve relevant information, we searched YouTube using the keywords ``dental fear'', ``dental anxiety'', and ``dental phobia''. Videos in English expressing a layperson's views or experience on children's or adolescent's DFA were selected for this study. A video was excluded if it had poor audiovisual quality, was irrelevant, was pure advertisement or entertainment, or contained only the views of professionals. After the screen, we transcribed 27 videos involving 32 children and adolescents, which were reviewed by a panel of 3 investigators, including a layperson with no formal dental training. Inductive thematic analysis was applied for coding and interpreting the data. Results: The videos revealed multiple manifestations and impacts of DFA, including immediate physical reactions (eg, crying, screaming, and shivering), psychological responses (eg, worry, upset, panic, helplessness, insecurity, resentment, and hatred), and uncooperativeness in dental treatment. Testimonials from children, adolescents, and their parents suggested diverse origins of DFA, namely personal experience (eg, irregular dental visits and influence of parents or peers), dentists and dental auxiliaries (eg, bad manner, lack of clinical skills, and improper work ethic), dental settings (eg, dental chair and sounds), and dental procedures (eg, injections, pain, discomfort, and aesthetic concerns). Conclusions: This qualitative study suggests that DFA in children and adolescents has multifaceted manifestations, impacts, and origins, some of which only became apparent when using Internet social media. Our findings support the value of infodemiological studies using Internet social media to gain a better understanding of health issues. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.2290", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2013/2/e29/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2290", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23435094" }