@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。2158,作者="Irvine, A. Blair and Gelatt, Vicky A and Seeley, John Rand Macfarlane, Pamela and Gau, Jeff M",标题="网络干预促进久坐老年人的身体活动:随机控制试验",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2013",月="2",日="05",卷="15",数="2",页数="e19",关键词="身体活动;老年人;互联网;久坐的;多周;背景:体育活动(PA)对老年人的身体和认知有良好的记录,但大多数老年人不符合PA的推荐指南,而且缺乏干预措施。目的:本研究评估了为期12周的互联网干预的有效性,以帮助55岁以上久坐不动的老年人采用并保持锻炼方案。方法:共368名久坐的男性和女性(M=60.3;SD 4.9)被招募、筛选和在线评估。 They were randomized into treatment and control groups and assessed at pretest, at 12 weeks, and at 6 months. After treatment group participants rated their fitness level, activity goals, and barriers to exercise, the Internet intervention program helped them select exercise activities in the areas of endurance, flexibility, strengthening, and balance enhancement. They returned to the program weekly for automated video and text support and education, with the option to change or increase their exercise plan. The program also included ongoing problem solving to overcome user-identified barriers to exercise. Results: The multivariate model indicated significant treatment effects at posttest (P=.001; large effect size) and at 6 months (P=.001; medium effect size). At posttest, intervention participation showed significant improvement on 13 of 14 outcome measures compared to the control participants. At 6 months, treatment participants maintained large gains compared to the control participants on all 14 outcome measures. Conclusions: These results suggest that an online PA program has the potential to positively impact the physical activity of sedentary older adult participants. More research is needed to replicate the study results, which were based on self-report measures. Research is also needed on intervention effects with older populations. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.2158", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2013/2/e19/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2158", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23470322" }