@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。2784,作者=“Shaffer, Victoria A and Owens, Justin and zikmundd - fisher, Brian J”,标题=“基于web的乳腺癌决策辅助中患者叙述对信息搜索的影响:一项眼动追踪研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2013”,月=“12”,日=“17”,卷=“15”,数=“12”,页=“e273”,关键词=“个人叙述;辅助决策系统;眼动跟踪;背景:先前的研究研究了患者叙事对治疗选择的影响,但据我们所知,还没有研究研究叙事对信息搜索的影响。此外,在一项研究中,没有研究考虑过它们的格式(文本vs视频)对医疗保健决策的相对影响。目的:我们的目标是研究基于视频和文本的叙述对基于web的早期乳腺癌患者决策辅助信息搜索的影响。研究人员要求56名女性想象自己被诊断出患有早期乳腺癌,需要在两种手术治疗(乳房肿瘤切除术和放疗或乳房切除术)之间做出选择。参与者被随机分配去查看四个版本的网络决策辅助工具中的一个。两个版本的决策辅助工具包括与患者和医生的访谈视频或仅与医生的访谈视频。 To distinguish between the effect of narratives and the effect of videos, we created two text versions of the Web decision aid by replacing the patient and physician interviews with text transcripts of the videos. Participants could freely browse the Web decision aid until they developed a treatment preference. We recorded participants' eye movements using the Tobii 1750 eye-tracking system equipped with Tobii Studio software. A priori, we defined 24 areas of interest (AOIs) in the Web decision aid. These AOIs were either separate pages of the Web decision aid or sections within a single page covering different content. Results: We used multilevel modeling to examine the effect of narrative presence, narrative format, and their interaction on information search. There was a significant main effect of condition, P=.02; participants viewing decision aids with patient narratives spent more time searching for information than participants viewing the decision aids without narratives. The main effect of format was not significant, P=.10. However, there was a significant condition by format interaction on fixation duration, P<.001. When comparing the two video decision aids, participants viewing the narrative version spent more time searching for information than participants viewing the control version of the decision aid. In contrast, participants viewing the narrative version of the text decision aid spent less time searching for information than participants viewing the control version of the text decision aid. Further, narratives appear to have a global effect on information search; these effects were not limited to specific sections of the decision aid that contained topics discussed in the patient stories. Conclusions: The observed increase in fixation duration with video patient testimonials is consistent with the idea that the vividness of the video content could cause greater elaboration of the message, thereby encouraging greater information search. Conversely, because reading requires more effortful processing than watching, reading patient narratives may have decreased participant motivation to engage in more reading in the remaining sections of the Web decision aid. These findings suggest that the format of patient stories may be equally as important as their content in determining their effect on decision making. More research is needed to understand why differences in format result in fundamental differences in information search. ", issn="14388871", doi="10.2196/jmir.2784", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2013/12/e273/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2784", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24345424" }